8. The night of confessions

Start from the beginning

I go towards the window and stare at the beautiful evening Seattle. I love city views for no apparent reason... they just make me really happy. He comes and stands behind me and holds me from the waist giving me a back hug like I did to him that day.
"It's so beautiful." I whisper and hold his hands on my waist.
"Yeah it is." He stares at me and says that.
I chuckle lightly, "Don't try to be all romantic on me. We are still sleeping in separate rooms." I tell him and get out of his hold.

He groans but after a second smiles. "We can do however you like. Make yourself comfortable at home. The room is upstairs and is kept ready for you. I have a meeting to attend which by the way I am really late for... so I'll take a leave and see you at night." He comes to me kisses me on the forehead and leaves. He's just so understanding and nice about this.

Does he have like domestic help for this apartment? Of course he does... seeing his busy schedule I don't think he'll be cleaning his place and keep it so maintained and amazing regularly.
I take my bag and go upstairs to freshen up but I see like three doors and get confused. Which one am I supposed to take? Wouldn't it be too rude of me to open all of these? But nobody is here and I don't want to bother him when he just left for his important work.

So I open the first door and enter inside a room which has the same view as the living room. The room has grey walls unlike the white walls from living room... it looks like Jacob's room. There's a king sized bed with two bed side tables.
There's also a LED television in front of the bed and a sofa set near the balcony. It's not at all like a typical guy room but so clean and nice. He's not a typical guy at all...I look around the room but also realize that I am invading someone's privacy. I am about to leave when my eyes catch something from his study table.

There's a picture board on his study table... I go and take a nearer look and see pictures of young and teenage Jacob playing soccer, standing in front of the Eiffel tower and riding the grandola boat at Venice, Italy. He has traveled the world whereas I haven't even left US.
There's also a picture from his prom with... that victoria's secret model. They know each other since high school.... he hasn't mentioned her once. Is she really not someone important to him? They look so nice together even as teenagers.
He was handsome back then too.... girls must have been crazy behind him. I touch his picture with his dog.... I have this photo in my phone too... he looks adorable and of his age. There are 2-3 more pictures of him with that girl. One from the beach happily looking at each other instead of the camera and one from their graduation where Jacob is kissing her on the cheek.

He still has all these pictures sticked here.... does he still have feelings for her? Is he playing with me? It hurts a little to see all this here. I take my bag from the floor and leave the room in a rush. A tear drops from my eye remembering all those pictures and seeing him with someone else like that.

Why am I getting so affected? Why do I keep forgetting that there are only few more months of this. We are different in every aspect but despite all this... why do I feel so right and safe when I am with him. I wouldn't have agreed to stay with any other guy like this but staying here with him tonight... why did I agree so easily to stay by his side? Why do I always fall for the wrong guy? Why?

I wipe my face and open the next door which turns out to be a library and the study where he spends most of his time. There's a wooden table and chair in the middle and the whole room is of light brownish color just like the table. There's also a guitar kept on the side.... he plays? What can't he do?
I close that door and open the last door which looks like a guest room. I enter inside the room. This room has light blue walls and white furniture... there's also a television and a sofa set near the panoramic view window just like his room.

I stand near the window and think about everything through. This all started as a contract but I have come to Genuinely like this guy and care for him more then anything and I have fallen in love with him... he does care for me too but those pictures.... I didn't tell him anything till now about Aiden then why do I expect him to tell me about his past? Why would he tell his six month temporary girlfriend about all this?

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