Chapter 1

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'Worthless. Better off dead. Accident.'
Theses words flew around Peters mind as he sat in bed. The words were almost the only thing he had on his mind, that and suicide.
He had thought over about this in his head so many times that its all he ever thought about.
It was in a strange manner though. He didn't feel bad for thinking about his death. Or how he was going to turn out.

It was his fault Uncle Ben was dead. That MJ was dead. They were all his fault. Aunt May was the only one that was really there for him. But Aunt May had recently been moved to the hospital, she had come down with a cold that had really hit her hard.
She couldn't eat much before her body rejected it. She was going to die, and Peter knew it. The doctors said she would be fine, but he knew they were saying that just to try and make him feel better. It didn't work. He got up from bed and headed to the kitchen.

Peter had to take care of the house while his aunt was out. There really wasn't much to take care of. Water a few plants, dust. The regular.
Peter grabbed a pop-tart out of the cuboard near the fridge.
He popped it into the toaster and went back to his room to get dressed.
He'd go visit Aunt May today. It made him feel a bit better, But the words kept flying in his head. He tryed to shove them to the back of his mind.
'Just don't think about it'
He though.
'Just. Dont. Think. About. It..'
He shoved it back and continued.

He grabbed his pop-tart and ate them.
After he did, he slipped his shoes on, grabbed his coat and house keys and headed out. He locked the door and went on.
He was going to visit Aunt May then finally do what he wanted.
He was going to kill himself.
No one would care.
Aunt May would probably be happy there was no one she had to worry about anymore. She could be happy.

Peter arrived at the hospital and visted Aunt May for a while. He stayed for about an hour before he left.
He said his goodbyes to Aunt May for the last time. Good thing he was able to pull off a smile even when he was down. He left the hospital and headed back home.
He went to his room once he got home and got his suit on. Pulling his mask over his face he climbed out his window. He headed twords the city. There he could find a tall building.

Everything felt the same. He felt no need for any of his feeling to continue.
For his life to continue.
Everyone will be better off without him. No matter how hard the truth hit him, everytime he managed to hold back the tears under his mask.

He swung from building to building. He felt completly lost. He felt bad now. So bad. He didn't know why. He wanted the feeling to go away.
He picked the tallest building closest to him.

The night was beautiful. The air was nice. So was the view, To bad it would be gone for him soon.
He took a step up onto the ledge as he took a deep breath in. He stared down
at the ground. The cold looking concrete that would soon met his face. It looked like it was the only thing that could really comfort him right now.

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