Chapter 34: Number One Troublemaker

Start from the beginning

Harry changes his gaze from Crystal to Emma and the grin on his face fades.

"CJ?" he questions, mostly to himself.

Emma raises her eyebrow in equal confusion. Her hands begin glowing white with the intention of protecting everyone.

"What do you want Harry?" Jay asks, pounding his fist against his hand in anticipation of a fight.

The sinister-looking VK looks at his enemies again, but this time he's almost at a loss for what to say. The appearance of these new powerful pawns in the game have caught him off guard.

"Oh... right. Ah figured it was a good idea to get these goodie-goodies out of the way so now there's nothing holdin' ye back from a good fight."

"Leave them alone Harry," Mal warns. "They have nothing to do with this let them go or..."

"Or what? Ye gonna tell me I'm a naughty boy?" He then turns to Crystal. "Or should that be yer job?"

Crystal clenches her hands, trying to fight the urge to throw this guy through the nearest wall. The fact that he was hitting on her made her skin crawl just a little bit too.

"Did Uma tell you to do this?" Carlos asks.

"Na, I decided that since nothing went according te plan, I'd improvise, mak' it more fun fur me..."

"Wow, I'm impressed you were able to come up with that all by yourself. You're such a big boy..." Mal taunts back.

"Why ye..." Harry snaps, he picks up his lowered blade, preparing to strike his ex-girlfriend in anger.

Killian cuts in before anyone else can react, he uses his cutlass and blocks the boy's attack against Mal. The daughter of Maleficent lets out a small shriek of fright because of almost being impaled by Harry. The real Captain Hook then engages Harry in a sword proper fight. Their swords continue to clash even after Killian stepped in, but the teenager is impressed by the level of skill displayed by this newcomer.

"Finally, a challenge," he grins again, but Killian is having none of it. He swings his sword against the boy's cutlass.

Regina and Crystal have to duck out of the way and Mal, Evie, and Carlos pull their partners out of the crossfire.

"Killian...!" Emma says, wanting to stop her husband, however, Regina holds her back so she doesn't get hurt either. "What the hell is he doing?"

"Discipline I think," the mayor of Storybrooke says.

The two pirates make their way out into the hall, much to the dismay of a few nurses who happen to be nearby. There are screams ad the continuous slashing of swords as the unknowing father and son continue to battle one another. The group from Storybrooke and the Isle swallow very hard, knowing that this is not the best place for a fight. Most people came to this place to heal from injuries, not gain them. The hostages from Auradon are very shaken and try to stand up cautiously, still afraid that Harry might come back for them. Jane is shaking hard, Ben is only half-conscious of what was happening, and Doug is trying to analyze the situation to the best of his abilities.


The clanging of swords interrupts the doctor's tirade and he gives off a girlish shriek to avoid being hit by one of the weapons. Crystal and Regina can't help but snicker at the doctor's sudden cowardice and the high-pitched scream.

Killian and Harry continue down the hall, while nearby patrons rush for cover or come to investigate what was happening.

"We need to stop them," Emma says. "Before they hurt each other or someone else."

"I've got a better idea," Crystal grins to herself. She flicks her wrist and the duelling pirates vanish in a cloud of purple smoke.

"Where did you take them?" the Saviour asks, becoming a little frantic to where the daughter of the Dark One might have sent her husband.

But she doesn't answer, instead, she engulfs everyone in another puff of smoke and suddenly, they're down by the water, on the edge of the dock next to the harbour. The large ornate ship that belongs to Killian is just in front of them, its masts towering over and billowing in the breeze. The VKs and AKs shudder at the fact that they have just been teleported, an entirely new experience to all of them. But the VK side of the couples, rush to continue to help up their significant others from Auradon.

The sounds of swords striking each other are heard again and everyone looks down to see father and son still duelling one another.

"Where are we?" Carlos asks, holding Jane in his arms. He then hugs her tightly, happy that she was all right.

"The Jolly Roger," Crystal grins. "Now we've got the best seats in the house."

"The best seats for what?" Doug asks, trying to comprehend the entire situation.

"Family time," she smirks to herself, pointing to the pirates.

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