"Let her go." I demand him.

"Can't do that. But let her live? That's up to you two."

"What do you want?" Scott asks.

"I want to talk. You haven't been answering your phone."

"Let her go, and we can talk about whatever you want."

Gerard gets up from the chair and walks closer to our mom and the Kanima as he talks.

"I want the same thing that I have always wanted. I want Derek and his pack."

"You have them all in hiding." I state. "How are we supposed to know where they are?"

"I think with the proper motivation, you could draw them out. And if you hadn't noticed, I now have a fairly impressive means by which I can motivate people. Why do you think I'm able to control him?" He asks talking about Jackson within the Kanima as it hisses more, still holding our mom up in the air. "Oh, you know the myth. The Kanima is a weapon of vengeance."

"This is about Kate?"

"I didn't just come here to bury my daughter. I came to avenge her."

The Kanima drops our mom to the floor as we quickly crouch onto the floor next to her and she gasps and coughs trying to catch her breath.

The Kanima and Gerard leaves the room and house.

"Are you okay?" Scott and I both quickly ask our mom.

"Oh, I don't know what's happening." She quickly says not looking up at us. "I don't even know what that thing was or even what you are, but whatever he wants, just give it to him."

"Mom, it's not that easy." I tell her.

"Do what he wants. Just give him what he wants." She cries out just confused by everything.

"I don't know if we can."


I'm with Scott at the animal clinic as him and Deaton are working since I don't have anything else to do until the Lacrosse championship game. Deaton is helping a dog right now that's lying on one of the metal tables as Scott's working on something else.

"Would you mind seeing who that is?" Deaton asks Scott when we hear the bell from the front door ring letting us know that someone walked into the clinic.

Scott stops what he's doing and was about to go check when we hear all the dogs going crazy as they begin to repeatedly bark.

We walk out from the back of the clinic and into the doorway as we see Isaac standing there. Scott and I wait in the doorway as Deaton opens the small wooden door for Isaac to pass by the mountain ashwood barrier.

"Its okay, Isaac. We're open." Deaton tells him as we all walk back into the back room.

Deaton injects medicine into the dog lying on the table which would work in a few minutes to help him.

"Why does it smell like that?" Isaac asks. Deaton looks to Scott and I as Scott let's out a slight laugh. "What?"

"Scott said almost the same thing to me a few months ago. So did Zoey, before she was turned to a witch." Deaton tells him. "One day they could tell the difference between which animals were getting better and which were not."

No Control -> S. Stilinski {2}Where stories live. Discover now