Good. Keep your guard up.

I'm the king Merlin. Arthur quiped but Merlin could tell he didn't mind.

Mordred's? Everyone okay back there?

Yes. Got a little scratched up but I think farther up with you got the brunt of it.

Morgana's voice echoed in both their heads, I don't understand why it didn't effect our horses. Why was it just the local animals?

Merlin fiddled with the ring on this finger, "Good question." He muttered out loud.

Gwaine and Percival stared at him. "What?"

"Talking to Morgana and Mordred." Merlin said frowning, "It could have been set up before hand. That would make sense."

Gwaine and Percival looked at each other, "Why does he feel the need to talk out loud?" Gwaine whispered.

Percival shrugged, "Are we ever going to ask about that ring?"

Gwaine looked at the ring that Merlin was still twisting around his finger as he listened to Morgana and Mordred. "Eh. I'd rather not. I've seen that thing glow and Id rather not die by the hands of our resident warlock."

Percival nodded,"Are we ever going to ask about whether Merlin and Arthur-" Gwaine held up a hand and the knight stopped, "What?"

Gwaine just grinned, "Tell you later."

Merlin's eyes refocused and he looked over at them, "Were going to keep moving. And have extra guards tonight."

Their was a screech from above their heads and everyone looked up to see more birds dive-bombing them. Merlin raised a hand and stopped them in mid air, "Birds. I never thought I'd be so anxious about birds."

"Paranoid." Gwaine muttered. Merlin flicked a hand and the birds we set on the ground away from the path, apparently asleep.

Merlin scowled at Gwaine, "You are digging a hole."

Percival nodded, "You really should stop doubting him." Gwaine rolled his eyes at the other knight and the called to the people around them to get a move on. The three of them remained quiet for the rest of that day's ride, only speaking to warn of animals approaching them.

When the order to set up for the night reached them everyone was uneasy. There were still birds swooping in on them every now and the stray deer occasionally charged them and spooked the horses only to be held back by a magical barrier that Merlin had created. 

By the time the whole party had set up camp they had been charged by three deer, a whole flock of pigeons, and a few wolves. Percival had pointed out that the wolves were at the moment the most dangerous. "We should just hope that we don't have any bears or lynxes come after us. Or hawks. Those pigeons are bad enough."

Merlin was sitting by the fire that had been set up near he and Arthur's tent, staring at it like he wasn't fully there. Gwaine and Percival had sat beside him when they finished with their tent but remained quiet, not bothering him as he seemed to concentrate on something they couldn't see.

After about an hour Arthur and Morgana finally walked up, finished with checking on the other knights. Arthur frowned at Merlin who still hadnt looked up before glancing at Percival and Gwaine.

"He hasn't moved since he finished with the tent." Percival said quietly. "We have no clue what he's doing. Didn't even help with the food for once."

Arthur grimaced and sat down on the other side of Merlin, "Merlin you should eat."

Merlin's eyes remained focused on the fire but he nodded slightly. Arthur sighed and looked up at Morgana, "Any idea what he's doing?"

"Probably trying to find the source of the spell that's making the animals attack us." Morgana said slowly, "There's no telling how far that spell reaches or who's casting it so it's probably taking a lot of concentration."

Gwaine snorted, "And he's protecting us with that sheild at the same time."

Morgana nodded, "Definitely a stretch for his mind."

Merlin suddenly sat up, "Mother of-" he cut himself off, "How am I so stupid?"

"You're Merlin?" Gwaine supplied.

Merlin didn't pay attention and was instead muttering more magic words under his breath. When he finally stopped he sighed, "That should protect us for now." He sighed, "Even if the source of the magic is too far away all it's doing is driving them to us so all I have to do is hide us from the animals senses. And then they'll leave us alone. I think. I keeping the ward up just in case."

Arthur handed Merlin a bowl of soup, "Eat Merls. You've been using magic all day. I'm sure your hungry."

"I could eat a horse." Merlin agreed taki the bowl and beginning to eat happily. After he a moment he paused, "I take that back. I like my horse."

Gwaine laughed and Arthur rolled his eyes, ruffling Merlin's hair with a free hand before scooting over slightly, closer to Merlin, so Morgana could sit next to him on the blanket that they were sitting on.

Morgana sat down and took a bowl of soup for herself. "Hmm. Looks like I owe Gwen a new dress"

Everyone frowned at her but she just smiled in the way that made everyone remember that she could be quite terrifying if she wanted to be. Gwaine went back to eating immediately, knowing exactly what she meant and trying to eat so it wouldn't be so obvious he was trying not to laugh. Percival looked over at Merlin and Arthur in confusion but Arthur just shrugged. Merlin on the other hand sighed and kept on eating.

When Leon joined them a few minutes later he didn't comment on how Morgana and Gwaine looked somewhat smug. He'd learned the hard way that the two of them should be left alone when they had that look.


Later that night Gwen found a note on her bed back in Camelot. She opened it in confusion.

My dearest Gwen,

I lost our bet. I believe I owe you a new dress. Though I do believe we are going to have to talk about the design. You really do need something for formal occasions my dear. All is well and I hope to see you soon.

Your friend,

P.S. I am unsure whether my brother thinks us all to be blind and deaf but "Merls" seems to be aware of the fact that I am not. As is Gwaine.

Gwen laughed out loud. "Of course." She muttered to herself as she tucked the note away.

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