Chapter 6

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The guardians were in Bunnymund's burrow, panicking.

"What do we do? What do we do? What do we do?" Tooth flew around in a frenzy.

Sandy paced back and forth.

North and Bunny argued over who's fault it was that Jack was captured.

"It was your idea to protect Sandy!" Bunny said."You went along with the idea!" North said.

Sandy got in between them. He made an arrow above his head pointing to him.

"Sandy are you saying it's your fault?" oth asked.

Sandy nodded.

"Guys! Stop it!" Tooth said. "It was all our fault! We protected Sandy and left Jack all alone! And Sandy had a right to be protected."

Three fairies all of a sudden burst into the burrow.

"Guys, what is it?" Tooth asked.

The fairies chittered nervously. Tooth gasped.

"What is it mate?" Bunny asked.

"The fairies are worried that now that Pitch is back, he'll try and steal the teeth from the children again!" Tooth explained. "We have to get to Tooth palace!"


The guardians arrived at Tooth Palace. The fairies were everywhere, snatching teeth.

"Faires!" Tooth shouted in a booming voice. "What do you think you're doing?!"

The fairies chittered in unison.

"What are they saying?" North asked.

"They say they're taking the teeth to a safer spot," Tooth said. "But this is the safest spot!"

"Is it?" said a voice.

The group turned around, but there was nothing behind them.

The Fairies started to panic, grabbing as many teeth boxes as possible and flying everywhere. All of a sudden, a wave of black nightmare sand burst through the entrance! It flooded the Tooth palace, capturing the fairies and teeth.

"Not this time!" Tooth shouted. She dove into the sand, rescue fairies and teeth, the other guardians doing the same.

They couldn't rescue everyone and everything,but they ended up rescuing a couple boxes of teeth, and four fairs, including Babytooth.

"Show yourself Pitch!" North shouted.

A trotting sound came from the entrance, and a group of nightmare horses entered, with Jack Frost riding on one of them. Jack Frost said nothing. He just looked at them with his soulless purple eyes.

Sandy gasped silently, North looked suspicious along with Bunny, and Tooth and the fairies got scared.

"Jack?" Tooth called out again.

Jack said nothing.

"Jack, what has Pitch done to you?" North asked.

Jack pointed at them with his staff, and the nightmares attacked.

They bucked, bit, and hit, and the guardians fought back hard.

Tooth flew over the Nightmares, and over to Jack. "Jack you have to stop this! Your a guardian!"

Jack just kept looking forward. As if he didn't hear her.

"Jack, say something!" Tooth was almost crying.

Jack looked at her, then punched her. She fell to the ground, but grabbed onto to Jack pulling him down with her.

Jack's eyes had anger in them, and he tackled her. The fairies saw that tooth was in trouble, and started to poke Jack. Jack smacked them aside with his staff, and then blasted ice at Tooth.

"Tooth!" Bunny, Sandy, and North ran to her.

They cradled her wounded body in their arms.

"Jack, what have our done?" North gasped.

Jack stood above them. He whistled, and the nightmares returned to him. He mounted one, and left.

"What is Jack turning into?" Bunny mumbled

Tooth awoke with a gasp. She was back at the pole.

"She's alive!" Bunny North and Sandy an to her.

"Did...did we rescue Jack?" she asked.

North shook his head. "We...we did not.

"Yeah," Bunny said. "Because he left when you were injured. We had to get you to safety."

Sandy made a Jack Frost out of Sand with devil horns.

"Sandy, what do you mean?" Tooth asked

"We think Jack's gone evil," Bunny said.

"But its not his fault!" North said. "We think Pitch did something to him. Don't worry. We're gonna make things right."

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