Chapter 5

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Lucielle had pulled through and was able to tell her the fire wasn't meant to hurt, just cause a distraction. She said the fact that some of the pieces on the items in the pictures still had their original coloring proved that. That gave her something to go off of. She just needed to find the reason for the distraction so she can start looking for suspects. It had to have been someone staying at the camp.

She shoved a Pringle into her mouth as she thought of possibilities. It would be suicide to go out on her own but who could she trust? It was best to lay back and watch those around her and see who does what. She didn't really know anything about the people she was stationed with. Many of the men feel uncomfortable because she was a woman who was above their rank. Some feel that women belong in the kitchen not the battlefield. It's always been like that since women were able to join any of the five. Women have proven themselves over and over again and they will continue to do so.

She stood around with several others looking over a map. Their CO had informed them that the sniper she had taken out was in fact one of their own along with the others they took out. She told them of the pieces she found with Terra. "Michaels, you'll handle the interrogations, find out where everyone was during the explosion and check their alibis." He ordered she nodded, "Yes sir."

It took her hours to speak to everyone and another several to check out their alibis. Three didn't check out. Two seemed to hang close, Viviana figured they were together having sex, the CO agreed so he let them off with a warning since they weren't an issue at the moment. "Private Oscar Hernandez." She read from the file as she sat in a chair across from him. "You are part of our bomb squad. You difuse bombs, meaning you also know how to make them. Good job at making it look like an amateur did it, but you were shit out of luck because they just happened to have a professional terrorist catcher."

"I'm not a terrorist." He snapped. She smirked, "So you admit to making the bomb?" His jaw clenched as he glared at her, choosing to keep silent. She smiled sweetly, "Tell me Hernandez, how pissed does it make you that you were out smarted by a woman?" She opened the file, "You clearly have a problem answering to those of the female gender." She read off several incidents where he had an altercation with a female officer. "Those that were taken out also had similar issues with answering to women. So tell me, what was your whole goal in this?" She crossed a leg over the other smiling at him. He stood and flipped the table in anger but she didn't bat an eye. She clapped, "Bravo Hernandez. You hurt an innocent table."

Some men ran in and restrained him as he spewed curses at her. Well they at least now knew it was him but they still didn't know what his purpose was. This camp didn't really have anything top secret except for her reason to be there. Even then that mission was taking forever and a day. "Good work Michaels." The CO commended. She rolled her eyes, "Don't praise me until we get actual results sir. That was just a pawn in this."

He nodded, "I understand you're here for your mission at catching Ismael and taking down his cell, but it would be appreciated if you assisted with figuring out what their intended goal was." She nodded,"I'll stay as for as long as it takes." She then shrugged, "For all we know it could be linked. Ismael and his men hate women of power, even more so they hate me." It could be beneficial to finding them. He nodded, "Let me know if you need anything." She nodded, "Will do sir."

She then went to look through Hernandez's things to find any connections and reasoning behind it all. He had many of the basics that many of them had but a notebook written in some code had caught her eye. She took pictures of each page and sent them to Lucielle to see if their analists could break it. She then had asked her to do a background check on him. She knew Cole and Danteous would be upset if they found out about her constant contact with Lucielle instead of them, but to be it wasn't like she was having conversations with her, simply asking for help. She could point out it was need to know and they didn't need to know. They didn't need to know she was hunting down women hating terrorists. Or that the attack last night from people on their side. It would do nothing to ease their worries. It was better this way.

Lucille chewed on the end of her pen as her computer scanned over the photos Viviana sent her. "What are you working on Lucille?" Chief Zeke asked her, scarring her. "Give a girl some warning." She said, her heart slamming into her chest. "I'm working on something for Vi. She wouldn't tell me what it was, just that it was classified. I had asked her why she didn't use the resources the Marines have, her answer was that she wanted someone she trusted." Chief nodded, "Whatever she needs, give it. Knowing her, she's following that gut of hers and if it tells her not to trust their resources then neither will we." She nodded, "That's the same conclusion I came too. I sent these photos to our analists but I'm also going over them, hoping my computer and decipher them faster. But it's weird. Each word is in a different language, but the sentence set up is English." "So that when someone who doesn't know won't understand." Chief Zeke concluded. 

She nodded, "I came to the same conclusion. So far I have found five different languages. My computer is working on translating them and putting the sentences in English. Unfortunately it'll take some time while I also work on our local cases." He nodded, "Prioritize Michaels case. Have the techs take over the cases. If anyone asks, tell them its classified." She nodded, "Will do sir."

"Tell her I said good luck and to be careful." He said before turning and walking out of the lab, his prayers going to Viviana.

Announcement. I am working on another book called The Bad Boy is Not so Bad. The first chapter isn't out yet and it won't be BDSM, but it'd mean a lot if you guys would try it out when it's out.

It won't interfere with the updates of this book. I promise. Love you my perverts.

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