Chapter 18

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Hermione's P.O.V:

I was sound asleep when Harry had his nightmare. It was around two o'clock in the morning when he started moving around and yelling 'where is she'.

"Harry." I said shaking him gently "Harry it's only a dream wake up."

It had seemed like he was almost awake, but still struggling to fully wake up, so I called his name louder.

"Harry!" I yelled and suddenly his eyes were open and he was awake. No longer squirming around or screaming.

"Hermione, you're here?" He asked "I-I thought that..."

I grabbed his hand. "It was just a bad dream." I reassured him soothingly "It wasn't real."

He nodded. "I think we should continue on our journey." He said "I highly doubt we'll be safe here. Only a matter of time before the death eaters find us." 

I knew that he got that idea from whatever he saw in his nightmare, but I wasn't going to interrogate him about it, so I agreed with him that we should leave and then started packing. It wasn't until a few hours later that we left the house. 

The whole time after that Harry seemed to be extremely worried about me. At first I thought it was just because of everything that happened, and that he wanted to make sure I was okay, but as time passed, I started to think it was something else. 

The way Harry stood by me was almost as if he were protecting me from some invisible force I didn't know about. Eventually I realized that whatever his nightmare was about, it had somehow involved me. I remember him saying 'where is she' repeatedly, and I figured that the 'she' must have been me.  

"Harry" I said stopping him "I think we should do it now. Get married I mean." 

I knew he would think I was crazy but it didn't really matter because deep down I knew he wanted to do it. At first he kept saying that if the death eaters find out about it, I would be put in even more danger. 

"But Harry, we have a soul bond." I said "That means that our magic is more powerful together than it is apart." 

He took a deep breath. "I suppose you're right. Let's get married then." 



Number 12, Grimmuald Place was the perfect place to get married, however death eaters were sure to be surrounding the place like crazy, hoping to catch Harry. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked "I mean isn't this place really dangerous with the war going on and everything?" 

Ron didn't even look up from the book he was flipping through. "Hermione, I've never married anyone before and your rambling is really distracting me." He said causing Harry to laugh. 

"You've been looking in the book for over 10 minutes." I said "Have you seriously not found anything yet?" 

Ron sighed. "I found all the history on wizard weddings, but no vowels or anything." He said "Let's just make up our own." 

Harry laughed again. "This should be good." He said 

"Okay, here I go." Ron said "Um...Once upon a time a wizard met a witch and they were always secretly in love but never said anything until years later and all of sudden they decided to get married so now they've just asked the greatest wizard of all time to---" 

"Ron, this is going horrible." I said, cutting him off short "Just skip to the last bit. "

He rolled his eyes, obviously not pleased with what I had said. "Hermione Jane-" 

"Jean" I corrected 

"Hermione Jean Granger." he said "Do you take Harry James Potter to be your wife--er I mean husband?" 

"I do." I said, stiffling back a laugh

"And, er--vice versa, Harry?" Ron said

 Harry looked confused, obviously not expecting that. "Er-yes. I do." He said 

This whole wedding was a train wreck, but I don't think I would have wanted it any other way. I mean, sure as a little girl I always thought I'd have some fairy tale wedding, but this was far better than anything I had come up with in my head. 

"Okay, Harry you may kiss Hermione." Ron said with the most ridiculous smile. I could tell he really did enjoy pretending to be a muggle priest. 




I made the wedding how I thought it would have happened if they had been this young, which is why it was awkward I guess? But anyways I personally loved it because it was awkward and spontaneous. Plus Ron marrying them is super cute, that definitely should have been cannon.

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