Chapter 13

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Hermione's POV: 

I was such an idiot. A complete idiot, and now our friendship was ruined based on my stupid assumptions. 

Last year when Harry had dated Cho, I had thought that he actually liked her, but he had just been trying to get over me as he had thought I had blamed him for Voldemort's return. Which, had made me feel even worse about the whole thing, as he went all of fifth year thinking that I'd hated him. 

And on his date with Cho Chang-The prettiest girl at Hogwarts-he was thinking about me the whole time. Even despite the fact that he thought I was blaming him for something so awful and entirely not his fault. 

Once again, I was an idiot. 

"Hermione, if you're going to yell at me or punch me or hex me...please just do it already." He said closing his eyes, and tensing every muscle in his body, preparing for the worst. 

I took a deep breath. I know that I wanted to yell at him, but considering I already had, I decided against it. 

Instead, I had quickly cupped his cheeks in my hands and kissed him, causing him to relax once he knew I wasn't going to hurt him. 

I honestly didn't know what I was thinking at the time, though I was already kissing him so it'd be silly to pull back now. After I'd somehow work up the courage to even kiss him to begin with. Though, my plan of not pulling away was quickly ruined when Cormac had showed up. 

"Potter, you keep away from Hermione if you know what's good for you." he snapped and I could tell Harry was getting angry, so I decided to step in. 

"No, Harry will not stay away from me." I said "You will." 

"If you know what's good for you." Harry mocked him and I couldn't help but laugh because Harry has always had a snarky reply to everything. It's just who he is. 

He stormed off in anger and once he was gone it took all the courage I had to look Harry in the eye after our kiss.

"I'm sorry." I blurted out after we both went moments without saying anything. "I wasn't thinking." 

Harry smiled. "I mean, it's not like you had much to think about." 

I stood there in shock that he'd just said that, and then I had smacked him over the head with an old copy of The Daily Prophet. "You complete git!" I said, laughing "What is it you mean by that exactly?" 

"Oh, so the Brightest Witch of her age doesn't even know what love is?" He said with a smirk "Why, I have to say that comes as a shock to me."

"I never said I loved you!" I said "It was your ego that told you that." 

Harry laughed. "Oh, it was my ego was it?" 

"Yes, it--" I started but I got caught off by the compartment door sliding open. 

"Do you know how mad that git McLaggen is?" Ron said out of breath as if he'd run here "He just got into a fight with Malfoy!" 

I looked at Harry nervously, as I could tell we were both thinking that the whole school now knew that we kissed just a minute after it happened. 

"Why?" Harry asked "Did he say anything?" 

Ron shook his head. "Well, McLaggen left our part of the train, and when he came back it was obvious that he was mad. Though no one knows why." He said "And then he was storming back to where he was, when he ran into Malfoy and his gang. Malfoy was like 'watch where you're going, lover boy' and then McLaggen turned and faced him and said 'I'm sorry, but I've stopped taking orders from ferrets.'" 

Harry laughed and I just stood there in shock, though I had been quite relieved Cormac hadn't told anyone about what he saw. 

"I take it Malfoy is still not over the incident from years back." Harry said 

I shook my head. "I guess not." 

Ron looked at us bewildered for some reason. " two are good now?" he asked looking between the two of us. 

"Everything's fine." I assured and Harry just simply nodded his head in agreement. 

"Blimey, what did I miss?" He asked "You two were definitely not fine when you left." 

"We just talked things over." Harry said though it hadn't convinced Ron. 

"Just talked?" He asked, skeptically. "Nothing else happened while you two were alone in an empty train compar--"

"Ron!" I yelled "Mind your own business." 

"Merlin, don't tell me I missed your first ever kiss." He said, sounding more upset than I would have expected "I've been waiting forever for this to happen, but you just had to leave, didn't you?" 

"Ron, what are you talking about?" Harry asked "You're starting to sound like a patient at St. Mungo's." 

Ron rolled his eyes. "I'm talking about the two of you, of course." He said as if it was obvious "Harry it was so clear you liked her when you remembered her in first year when everyone else forgot about her." 

"Thanks, Ron." I mumbled 

"Oh, c'mon Hermione." He said "How long's it been, 7 years?" 

"6" Harry and I corrected him at the same time, making my cheeks redden with embarrassment. 

"Just don't tell anyone, alright?" I ask, turning to face Ron and Harry nodded his head. 

"You owe us that much, mate." Harry said and I laughed at Ron's reaction. 

"What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?" he asked

Harry smirked. "Just that Hermione and I were nice enough to let you third wheel for all those years." 

"I wasn't the third wheel." Ron replied "I was the chaperone." 




Oh my god I actually managed to wait until chapter 13 for their first kiss when I usually want to write about it in the first paragraph of the first chapter. 

Anyways, have any of you downloaded the new Harry Potter game? I am absolutely in love with it, though the only thing is I'm in Slytherin, which is the same house as the one that female Malfoy is in so there's literally no escape from her ugh...But I do really love the game other then that. 

If you haven't downloaded the game its called Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery and its sooo good so definitely check it out!!


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