Chapter 12

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I've decided to skip Order of the Pheonix because honestly I find it extremely hard to write about that book because about a good 500 pages of the book was just pure angst. Which in turn makes it harder to write about how much Harry was in love with Hermione when he was really just mad at the world, ugh. 

Anyways I'm going to start writing in first person rather then 3rd because I wanted to add more of their personal thoughts and feelings since they are getting older and their relationship will change. (It's not gonna change to better right away just to let you all know, but don't worry bc every chapter will have perfect Harmione/Harmony moments.) 

Finally, I just wanted to thank you guys for the votes and comments because I honestly love seeing how you guys react to the story (even though I honestly find my writing cringey but oh well) bc it makes me so happy since you guys are so sweet and kind. (I'm not gonna lie though, I also love your votes and comments because it makes  me feel like I'm not the only Harmione shipper in the Universe)




**Hogwarts Express, Beginning of 6th year**

Harry's POV:

When I entered the train compartment, he was surprised to see not only Ron and Hermione, but Cormac McLaggen sitting in my seat besides Hermione. 

"Er-Hey everyone." I said awkwardly, trying to get this guy out of my seat. 

Hermione smiled at me, but didn't really say anything besides a polite 'Hello.' Ron on the other hand had seemed so excited to see me. 

"Harry!" He said and then turned to Cormac "If you don't mind McLaggen, you're in Harry's seat." 

Cormac scoffed. "There's a seat right besides yourself, Weasley." he said "Why can't he have that seat?" 

"Because incase you haven't noticed, we-Harry, Hermione and I-are the golden trio." he said "And we've sat in the same spots every year and I am sure as hell not going to let an arrogant bloke like yourself ruin that." 

McLaggen had looked shocked that Ron had just said that. And since it's obvious he's got a crush on Hermione, I'm sure he was only more upset that he said it in front of her. 

"Wait until my father hears about this." he spat and stormed out. 

Ron rolled his eyes. "Not only is he arrogant, but he's also unoriginal." He said "He just stole Malfoy's line."

Hermione glared at Ron. "You were being extremely rude to him, don't you think?" 

"Hermione as your best friend, I am not going to let a guy like him win you over!" 

"I can take care of myself, Ron! How many times must I tell you!" she yelled "Besides what was that about the Golden Trio? Huh?" 

"Oh c'mon. You're the Brightest witch of our age and you honestly expect me to believe that you don't know that we are the Golden Trio?" he snapped "Each of us plays a part. Harry plays the hero and I'm his best friend who is loyal to him. Whereas you are the one that keeps our plan logical."

Hermione didn't say anything. To be honest, I think she was just thinking of what Ron said and how she was 'the logical one'. 

"Also you fall in love with Harry, and neither of you admit how you feel, so--" He got cut off by Hermione 

"There's nothing to admit Ronald!" she yelled back at him. "I don't feel anything for Harry!"

I won't lie, her words hurt. I mean, how could she not feel anything for me. Maybe not in a romantic way, but after all we'd been through together, it had seemed nearly impossible that she would feel nothing for me. Whether it just be platonic, or...or passionate and something more than just friendship. 

"I have to go." I muttered and left the compartment, though I could hear Hermione calling my name and telling me to wait. It wasn't until she yelled so loud enough for the whole train to hear, that I had actually stopped. 

"Harry James Potter I told you to wait!" She said and I could hear Malfoy and his gang laughing  and taunting me. 

I turned around to face her, and she caught up to me and dragged me into an empty compartment. (It used to be filled with second year HufflePuffs and some first years who had not yet known their houses, though after the scene Hermione caused, they all fled.)

"Cause a big enough scene yet, Hermione?" I asked, evidently annoyed "Or were you planning on scaring more students off?" 

"Oh, shut it Harry!" she yelled back at me. "You know damn well that you were as much to blame for that scene as I was." 

"Are you mad?" I asked in disbelief "How could you possibly blame me? I was walking away from your non-stop blabbering on McLaggen to avoid blowing up. Yet you just had to follow me!" 

She took a moment before responding. Our relationship became strained during fifth year, though we had never had a full on argument. 

"Harry, honestly what is this even about?!" she asked, though we both knew she knew. "We never fought, and now you're yelling at me for checking on you." 

"You know what this is about, Hermione. Don't play dumb when it's convenient for you." I said "You blamed me for Voldemort's return, even though I had no part in it!" 

"I did no such thing!" she said, sounding extremely offended or even hurt that I would think that. "All I said was that everything has changed. That Hogwarts or the rest of the wizarding community wouldn't be the same as we know it." 

I let out a deep breath. "Maybe I was overreacting about that...but I left because of Cormac." 

"Harry he wasn't taking your spot." she insisted "It will always be you and Ron and me. The three of us." 

"I'm not talking about him taking my spot in our trio. I know it will always be the three of us and I know that nothing will ever change that." I said "But it's quite clear that he fancies you and your just trying to convince yourself that you don't feel anything for me. Just like what you told Ron." 

She stared at me dumbfounded. "I don't feel anything for you, Harry." she said "You're like my brother." 

"Oh, just give it a rest, Hermione!" I said "Me and you both know that that's not the case...It never really has been." 

She thought on what to say next, which only proved my point that she had felt something for me. Though, finally she thought of something.

"Then your date with Cho was what exactly?" she said, referring to the date last year 

I scoffed because it had just occurred to me that she hadn't heard what happened. Only Ron and Ginny had. 

"Hermione the whole time she talked about Cedric." I said "She would keep asking me if he talked to me about her and would go on rants about how much she loved him. And the whole time she was talking about Cedric I was thinking about you." 

I anxiously awaited her reaction, thinking it'd be her yelling at me for ruining our platonic friendship. However, she had pleasantly surprised me...

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