Chapter 3

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Harry was laying on his back in a bed in the infirmary. He was thinking about what Professor Snape said about the potions, that they were extremely dangerous. And that both Hermione and himself had assumed that something bad would happen to them.

Was it possible that he had planned this? That he would somehow deliberately put Harry in harms way? A couple of years back it wouldn't have been such a crazy thought, considering they always had blame Snape.

He couldn't have done it...but it's certainly possible. If Snape just tried to harm him just then, it could explain who put his name in the Goblet of Fire.

Hermione came back almost before he could think on this anymore.

"He did it on purpose, Harry!" Hermione said taking a seat beside him on the bed. "Think about it, he gave us the ingredients individually, which he does not normally do."

"I know." Harry sighed "I've been thinking about that as well...because if he purposely gave us the wrong ingredients so that our potion would explode...isn't it possible that he put my name in the Goblet of Fire?"

Hermione gasped and covered her mouth with both hands.

"He's a teacher he wouldn't do that." She said a little uneasy

"I'm not so sure, Mione. I mean he hated me from the start."

"I know, and that's why we blamed him for stealing the sorcerers stone, and hexing your broom...but still, I don't really know what to think."

"And whenever something were to would be the dark arts teacher. Except for last year when Lupin taught." Harry said

"Exactly. So for all we know it could be Moody."

"I don't know why he would do that...I mean he was an Auror who punished several death eaters, so why would he suddenly side with them?"

Hermione let out a sigh. "I suppose you're right. I mean, even if he wanted to switch sides I can't imagine the Drak Lord and his followers would let him."

"So...Snape then?" He asked but Hermione shook her head. "I don't think it was him either, I mean wouldn't Dumbledore recognize his handwriting?"

Harry took a second to think about this. He had never considered the handwriting on the paper. Maybe if he had a chance to look at it he would able to identify it himself.

"Possibly...But Dumbledore is the headmaster, so I would reckon that he knows a lot of signatures...meaning that whoever did this could have charmed it to look different."

"That is a fair point...but it will make this just that much harder." She sighed

"Anyways..." Harry said trying to change the topic "The Yule Ball is this maybe we could focus more on that?"

Hermione leaned down and kissed his forehead "Of course, Harry." She said standing up from the chair "I'll just be working on...homework." She smiled and Harry could tell that she wasn't going to do homework, but work on her dress or something for the Ball.

But the sensation of Hermione's lips pressed against his forehead was still there. As if she was still there.

This was just friendly, right? He thought, but killed him not knowing. And even more so that he wasn't quite sure if he had wanted to be friendly.

But he had to shake that idea out of his head. Hermione was just a friend, and that he was just confused after the incident in potions.

But even still, he knew he had begun to fancy Hermione.



I just thought I would include a new theory that Harry and Hermione start to theorize.

I tried to use 'their' logic, like what they would be thinking, so hopefully it seems like something they'd do???

Anyways thanks for reading!


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