Phone Call

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"How long did you say they'll be Jade?" I frantically whispered.
"They said they will be at my house in two minutes" she quietly replied. We were hiding under the bed, as the police suggested for them to hide just in case. We were relieved when we heard the silent police sirens in the distance. Smash! There was a loud crash that came from downstairs. It sounded like someone breaking a window! It was one hundred percent the same man! We both covered our mouths with our hands to stop ourselves screaming. Thump, thump thump! Someone was coming up the stairs! We heard the door to the room we were in slowly open. Luckily, the bed we were hiding under had some kind of curtain around it so you had to actually lift it up to look under. The door to the wardrobe opened as the person looked inside it. We were sure our hearts we going to give us away as they were almost beating out of our chests. Another crash came from downstairs as the door was broken down and then someone shouted "Police!" They had obviously seen the broken window as they shouted "I warn you, I'm armed! Come out now and no one gets hurt!" The police dashed upstairs and caught the man. He put up a good fight but the police put handcuffs on him. As soon as the handcuffs were on, we got out from under the bed. I was a nervous wreck and Jade was as white as a ghost. We explained the whole story to him. From the first time we saw him unzipping the tent, to the point where he broke into Jade's house. We thanked him about one hundred times and he said he'll pay for the window and the door. We thanked him again and watched as the man got put in the back of the police car, and drove away into the distance. We decided to sleep at my house as it was too dangerous to sleep here with no door and a broken window, so Jade grabbed some sleepover stuff and went back to the car and drove to the safety of my house. We locked all the doors and we promised each other to never camp again, and we drifted off to sleep. The one thing we still didn't know to this day is how the man's footsteps seemed to have died away and then he was suddenly there, almost as if there was more than one person in the woods that night...

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