Trip .4

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Minghao's POV
today we all decided to relax and not go anywhere else but the beach that is just a few walks away from Wonwoo's house. Others planned to swim and even brought some tools the ones for kids, incase they want to build a sand castle.

We all ran to the beach full of excitement some were even cheering causing the locals to look at us. Honestly though.....its 9 am in the morning and you hear men shouting because of the beach, it will really get your attention.

When we get there we were divided into two groups the ones who doesn't want to swim and ones who want to, im part of the doesn't want to swim team.

We (seungkwan, vernon, jeonghan, and me) sat on the sand and watched them as they played around in the water

"Aish its salty!!!"

"Don't put the water in your mouth!"

"i think i swallowed some.."


'Their like kids....' i thought to myself, its hard to believe those guys actually own companies I looked at Jun, Mingyu, Wonwoo, and Seungcheol who were busy splashing it each other with water

Me and Jeonghan laughed a bit "we really need to look after them" Jeonghan said, "that would be difficult, also did they even put on some lotion" Jeonghan shrugged, well i guess we'll know in the end when they are all sun burned.

"By the way, where is Joshua and Seokmin?" I asked, it would be nice if they were here
"Still in america", joshua was able to buy one way tickets to america and brought seokmin along with him 'we don't know when the both us are coming back' thats what they said

As we sat there Jeonghan glanced at the two beside us Seunkwan was just drawing random lines in the sand and vernon is is listening to music not enjoying it like he used to, Jeonghan patted on my shoulder and whispered
"What's wrong with Seungkwan and Vernon"

"We'll it started yesterday when we went to Seungkwan's house, we didn't asked questions because Vernon looked really upset" i said
Jeonghan looked at them again and stood up gesturing me to follow, we stand in front of the two and they looked at us vernon took off his earphones
"Do you guys want to talk?" He said, they both nodded and we formed a small circle Jeonghan always starts these kind of things for us to share our problems to each other and give some advise and it really helps and  it even saved the friendship of two people before, im really thankful.

"What happened?" Jeonghan asked as soft as he can because the other can start crying

"Yesterday.....I introduced...him to my family...." Seungkwan said hesitating to continue "they.....they got mad, they didn't like Vernon, they said a lot of mean s-sisters doesn't even want to look at me" he sobbed I hugged Seungkwan and rubbed his back, Jeonghan looked angry and in the same sad for the both of them 'this vacation is not supposed to be like this' I thought and continued rubbing his back, I glanced at the others they seem to not notice the dilemma that is happening right now,
Seungkwan cannot talk anymore due to the crying so Jeonghan asked Vernon to continue "we talked about it last night and we're thinking of ending it..." he rubbed his eyes tears starting to show
Seungkwan really loves his parents he doesn't want to disappoint them, hearing that they don't like Vernon made him think if they should just stop, the fact that his family might leave him scares the boy. Jeonghan waited for the two to calm down before he starts talking. Seungkwan separated from the hug, I wiped the tears away with my thumbs and gave him some water. Jeonghan started to talk and i hope that he will be able to help them.
"Its your decision in the end.........just make sure you won't regret anything okay" they both nodded,
they decided to go back and talk things through
After everything i looked at sky and spaced out 'i hope that they will be okay...'

"Minghao" Jeonghan said, i looked at him "don't let it bother you too much okay they will solve this on their own" he reassured
"Yah" that is the only thing i said

The boys who are swimming started to dry themselves and approached us "where are the two?" Jihoon asked "they went back" Jeonghan said acting like nothing happened
Hoshi grabbed the bucket filled with toys "lets make a sand castle!" He said raising them up "no thanks...", "lets play volleyball" they all agreed to play leaving hoshi with his urge to make a castle, he frowned and looked at me. I couldn't ignore him so i decided to make it with him "I'll join you" i stood up, he cheered and went to pick a spot
"It keeps falling" i complained as the sand falls and turns into a small bump, hoshi is starting to lose hope "maybe it needs more water?" He grabbed the bucket and went to get some water, 'how do people even work with sand' i sighed scratching my head

"Hyung" Dino called, i looked up and saw him standing beside me "wanna walk around with me?" I looked at hoshi who is filling the bucket 'i was gonna escape anyway'
We walked to the far side of the beach away from the others, i looked at the sea and decided to deep my feet for a bit Dino joined me and i splashed water at his face
"Hey!" He splashed back and we started giggling
"Oh shoot" i said as i stoped playing around and looked at the bracelet Jun gave me 'is it okay if it gets wet? What if the metal gets all rusty' i held one of the beads
"Are you okay?" Dino asked
"Yah I'll be getting out now" i walked back 'wait..i did see Jun still wearing his while swimming, so its fine?', dino followed me and i looked back at him
"So where are we going now?" I asked, he stood there not saying a thing while looking down and clenching his fists
"Minghao...I...." he said still looking down "i know this is surprising but..." he take deep breaths "i really like you.....ever since highschool but i never got the chance to tell you" his eyes are full of sadness as they look at mine,
"I...." I hesitated, I don't want to say anything not wanting another of my friends to get hurt, i just thought if him as a good friend. I tried to gather enough courage to reply to him " so sorry.." i muttered but he was able to hear it, i got scared that he might start crying 'i hurt my friend' i thought to myself and it repeated over and over again in my mind "im really sorry.....I can't....I l-" i got interrupted by chan "hyung its okay" he smiled softly "I knew this would happen", "lets go back hyung" he started walking away and I followed.
When we got back the others are still playing volleyball and hoshi was able to make the sand stay in one piece with the help of Jeonghan doesn't really look like a castle.
Chan never talked to me again that day and he also moved to Jeonghan and Seungcheol's room spending the last night in jeju in their room.

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