+Chapter Thirty-Two+

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Unknown POV

"Your mission is to woo him." Boss gives me a sly smile. "Nicki will be heartbroken."

I nod my head. "Consider it done."

Noah's POV

The club is literally like a giant garage with a bar and flashing lights. The only thing you get to do here is dance. I'm bored as fuck, but I've only been at this club with Wayne and Drake fifteen minutes and already Drake is turned the fuck up.  He's taken seven shots and I'm thinking about taking him home. I can barely understand what he's saying anymore.

Right now, he's holding a bottle of champagne in his hand and dancing with a few other girls. Wayne and I share a look then head out to the dance floor.

Drake looks at us and smiles. "Heyyy guys join the party!"

I roll my eyes. "Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass."

He shrugs and continues dancing. One of the women start to grind on him.

Fuck. What about Nicki?

Wayne and I pull Drake away and towards the nearest empty booth, ignoring his whining. He can barely stand upright so we sit him down. He stands back up.

"What's your deal," he slurs, jabbing his finger at me. "I juss wanna party man like why cain't you accept that."

"Nigga, you need to turn down," comments Wayne, shaking his head. "We gon' take you home in a lil' minute 'cause you actin' a damn fool."

"No I ain't."

"Yeah, you are." I shoot him a look. "What about Nicki?"

Drake doesn't say anything for a minute. Then I notice the weird look on his face and curse under my breath. I grab his hand and drag his staggering ass down the short hallway next to us and into the men's bathroom. I lift the toilet seat up as Drake kneels on the floor and spills whatever contents of his stomach into the toilet bowl.

I've got my hand on his back but I'm looking away. I know I'm one of his best friends but EW. He owes me big-time after tonight.

Drake finishes and flushes. He attempts to stand back up but he almost topples over. I catch him before he hits the floor. Then I make a face.

"You've got throw up all over your fucking shirt!"

He gives me a dopey smile. "All the more reason to take it off!" He grunts and stand up, pulling his shirt off and throwing it in the sink, revealing his strong chest.

  I look into his slightly red eyes. "You. Are going. Home!" I scold. "Come on!"

(Just hold on, we're goin' home.)

I pull him out of the bathroom by his arm and lead him back out into the raging club area. The flashing lights are giving me a headache and I'm ready to go, too.

Wayne meets us by the door and I glance at Drake, who's struggling to keep conscious. His eyes open and close and his head keeps leaning forward like when you're trying not to fall asleep.

"Nigga, wake up!" Wayne snaps.

  Drake snaps to attention. "Wha?"

A girl walks over to us. She's got full lips and curves that stick out. Her caramel skin almost glistens in the flashing lights. Her hazel eyes land on Drake, who smiles.

"Hello," she says in a seductive tone.

  Unknown POV

He sent me to woo Aubrey Graham, so here I am, at this whack ass excuse for a club. I learned from an inside source that Drake was drunk like a motherfucker, so what better time than now to make him cheat on his bitch? I had slipped him his shots, knowing he would down them in a heartbeat. The champagne was courtesy of the waiter I had given a couple bucks to do so.

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