Chapter; 1 Old Friends

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Jade and Jay and there two kids Luna and Mark believe that the storm was over and they could live a normal life

Luna's POV
I was playing outside with my brother and Ren Kai's and Amber's son. When I started to feel something was watching us from the tree line. I Grab my brother's arm and Ren's and ran back inside. I when find my dad to tell him that I sensed​ someone was watching us play.

Jay's POV
I was busy fixing the sink when my daughter Luna came it and start rambling nonstop. "Sweetie calm down and speak where I can understand​, please" I smiled at her. "Dad you know how me and Mark and Ren was playing outside" Luna said. I nodded to show I was listening and to continue. "Well when we were playing outside I felt like we were being watched by someone in the trees it just felt uneasy and I didn't like the feeling Dad".


Kai and Amber already came and picked up Ren. Jade was at work so it was Jay and the kids at the house.

Luna's POV
I was playing with my dolls when I heard a knock on the window I look outside and a saw a figure of a man just looking at me. Then I can back to reality when my yelled at me "Luna I'm going to lay with your brother until he falls asleep can you take the trash out for me please". I thought to " take the trash out this late". I didn't want to disobey him so I put on my shoes headed outside.

A bit late

When I got outside I heard a noise. "W-W-Who's there" I said a bit sacred. Moments later a deep voice replied. " I know who you are but you don't know me, but your parents know me especially your dad" the person then let out a chuckle

???'s POV
I'm glad I scared the little girl I might continue to play tricks on her then take her. " If Jay thinks this rival is over after all these years he got another thing coming for him" I let out a chuckle and disappeared leaving Luna scared and alone In the dark.
Do you like it so far and who do you think the mysterious person is.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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