Who Is It?

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School had just ended for the day, and (y/n) was walking out of the high school doors when she heard someone yelling.

"Get out of the way!"

Before she could even turn around, someone slammed into her. The person and her fell to the ground. (y/n) was about to yell at the person, but she recognized the face instantly. Her close friend Minho stared back at her in surprise and slight relief. At least he didn't slam right into a stranger.

"Minho, why did you run into me," she questioned, her annoyance at his antics evident in her voice. She suddenly became aware of the position they were in. He was straddling her waist with his hands of opposite sides of her head. His straight, jet black hair hung from his scalp.

He grinned at her question. "Well, I was telling off some football players. They didn't like my opinion so currently I'm running away from them." Almost on the cue, sounds of angry jocks were heard a few meters away. Minho scrambled to stand up. "Well, got to run. See you in a few." And he took off running, disappearing around the corner of the building.

(y/n) stood up and dusted invisible dirt off of herself. She sighed in frustration. Of all the times he had to piss someone off, it had to be the day he was her ride home. She took a seat on a near by bench pulling out her math homework and beginning the worksheet that was given for homework. It was long until she felt a presence next to her. She turned her head and wasn't surprised to see her friend Newt.

"Is Minho getting chased by jocks again," he questioned with a knowing smile.


"He's your ride home, isn't he?" He reached into his backpack to find his physics homework.


Newt glanced at her to see if she was paying attention. "You're going to tell him you're hopelessly in love with him soon, right?"

She took a double take on his question. "No, and I'm not hopelessly in love with him."

"You've had a crush on him since sixth grade." He flipped to the assigned reading in the science textbook.

"That's not true," she answered with a small blush on her face. "When are you going to make up with your dad?"

Newt slammed his textbook close. "Don't you change the subject! There is a small group of people who think you and Minho would be the most adorable couple, me being one of them of course. We are willing to get the two of you together, even without your consent."

"Newt, I don't like Minho, and he doesn't like me. We're just friends," (y/n) lied.

"Don't set yourself up for a life of being in the friendzone." He stood up and slung his backpack onto his back with one arm through the strap. "I'm going to go find Alby."

"See you tomorrow." (y/n) averted her attention back to her homework, but her concentration was broken when her phone buzzed, alerting her of a new text message. She glanced at the her phone and saw the text was from Minho.

come to the bleachers

Knowing Minho, he must be hiding from those jocks. She put her homework away and made her way to the bleachers. Once she was there, the search for the asian began.

She started with searching under the bleacher but only found some teens smoking cigarettes. She checked on top and just ran into some freshman with thick lens glasses with a book in her hand. She repeated the process with the bleachers on the away team side, but again came up empty handed.

"Hi (y/n)!" The said girl turned around and was happy to see a familiar boy friendly waving at her.

"Hey Chuck. Have you seen Minho?"

Minho x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now