His eyes told a story of someone way older, as if he held a certain wisdom and knowledge that was extravagant for someone his age. Or maybe his gaze matched my mothers. Broken, deserted, lost.

I immediately blinked away from his gaze, conscious that I had examined him without saying a word. The mysterious boy stood up from his seat, holding out a confident hand.

"I'm Isaac, pleasure to meet you..."

"Renee." I replied, shaking his hand cautiously. His hands were warm and calloused. A hand that held scars and stories. I noticed his voice was slightly strained, as if his throat suddenly closed off his words. His fingers tightened around mine, his nails prickling into my skin.

I felt my eyes widen and I shot my gaze up to meet his but he loosened his grip, letting my hand go to drop to my side.

"Isaac will be joining the school starting from today." Miss Anderson said, her voice cutting through my thoughts. She indicated for me to take the empty seat next to Isaac who had already sat back down. I did as I was told, suddenly very aware of how close I was to him. His posture was one of causality, his spine relaxed, his body language giving off an ideology of confidence.

I had to admit Isaac intrigued me with his genuine smile and playful curiosity. But as I took my seat, I noticed his hands balled into fists by his side, clenching enough for the tips of his knuckles to turn white. Ignoring the sudden wave of nervousness, I reverted my gaze back to Miss Andersons.

She grinned at me from behind her desk delicately, as if expecting me to say something.

I only stared, unsure of what to say to this newcomer.

Apparently aware of my silence, Miss Anderson broke it. "Renee, for the next hour or so, I would like you to give Isaac a tour of the school. I expect you to take him to his designated locker, show him the sporting options, explain classes and so on," she nodded at Isaac who flashed her a polite smile back. "If Mr Jackson is confused in any manner today at all about where to go, I will know you did your job poorly." She paused briefly, pursing her lips with another quick glance at Isaac who remained quiet beside me.

I noticed his smile seemed to carve itself in his face, dimpling his cheeks as he beamed. "Come see me after school to continue your community service." She finished as I looked back at her. I narrowed my eyes when I saw something flash across her gaze, but her expression was hard to read. I quickly dismissed it to rise from my spot, irritated that I would have to do more jobs after school. I wouldn't be able to feed my wolf if I got back home once the sun set – Mum might see.

I walked forwards, leading Isaac towards the door as he rose from his spot.

"I will see both of you in chemistry in second lesson." Miss Anderson said with a smile that reeked of forced politeness. I disregarded her comment to exit out of the office, thankful for the sudden stream of light.

I looked back behind to see Isaac shaking Miss Andersons hand pleasantly.

"Thank you for your help Miss Anderson." His voice was rich with formality, his smile matching the warmness of his tone.

She beamed at him as she shook his hand back. "My pleasure Mr Jackson."

I patiently waited for Isaac to join me in the hallway. He finally walked out after thanking her again, the sound of the door creaking to a close the only noise in the hallway.

I didn't realise how tall he was until we were side by side. I had to strain my neck to glimpse him, otherwise I was staring at his collarbone. His build was lean, his arms lined with light veins that twisted and curled to hide underneath a plain white tee.

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