I am okay.

"You need to breathe."

I need to breathe.

Only when your respiration drew to a normal pace, did the tears come.

You couldn't for-take any energy to wipe the fat droplets of salty water as they rolled down your cheeks.

So Jungkook did it for you. You sat in silence as his hesitant fingers gently brushed your wet skin, before gaining more confidence and sliding off each tear as it came down. You sat in silence, tears still streaming, and watched quietly as the boy in front of you wiped every teardrop that escaped. For however long this went on, you weren't sure, but after a small amount of time the tears stopped. The salty water dried. Yet Jungkook remained in front of you, ever peaceful as he rested his hands back down into his lap, a sorrowful expression written across his face. You both sat in silence for what seemed like a long time. Jungkook was the first to break it.

"I'm sorry."

"I shouldn't have done it."

The pure self hate and regret in his words was enough to tell you that he wasn't lying. He truly felt terrible for what he did. 

"Please forgive me."

You already had. How was it not possible to forgive him, when you saw his empty expression void from a smile, or his downcast eyes glimmering with sorrow. You had to get the message across to him. It wasn't his fault. Not at all. You just weren't ready for it. Weren't ready for anything, especially with the thought of your ex boyfriend still freshly printed on you mind.

Gently extending a hand, you cupped Jungkook's cheek in your palm gently, as he had done only moments before for you, and slightly tilted his head up so your eyes met. You sent your message as best you could through your eyes, and you could tell he understood by the relief flare up in his. Taking this as a good enough moment to leave as any, you stood up from the bed and made your way to the door. Grasping the doorknob, you were just about to twist it when Jungkook spoke again.


You stopped in the doorway, but moved neither outwards nor back to him. Instead, you listened.

"I- I'm afraid of the dark." You didn't need to turn around to imagine the pink blush spreading across his cheeks as he kept going.

"It happened. It happened when it was dark. The crash, that is. I'm still not over it and i can't stand being by myself in the dark again. Every night i sleep with the light on." He sounded defeated.

Leaning over to one of the adjacent walls you flicked a switch. The room filled with artificial light. A feeble chuckle erupted from behind you.

"You know what i mean, y/n. I know how bad you want to get over your fears. I do too. If- If you stay with me.... i feel like i could."


He wanted you to stay with him tonight.

So he could conquer one of his fears. Probably one of many.

Just like you want so desperately to get rid of your own.

You didn't know what, or why changed your mind of leavig the room. But before you fully processed what you were doing, you flipped the switch yet again, this time drenching the room with darkness. You heard a gasp erupt from somewhere in the room. Making your way over, you slowly climbed onto the bed, feeling out with your hands until it came to meet with another body. Jungkook's.

Lying down, you faced away from the boy across from you, breathing in and out so slowly in the silent room. So silent, that you could hear every breath he took too, as well as the sound of crinkling sheets as he inched closer to you. You breath caught in your throat as an arm slowly wrapped itself around your torso, and a mouth and nose came to rest in the crook of your neck.

"Thank you y/n," he murmured onto your skin, setting little tingles of fire and ice racing across your body.

Calm down y/n, hes just hugging you because he's scared of the dark.

You repeated the phrase over and over in your head, for so long that you felt the boy behind you slowly drift off to sleep as you lay awake. Breathing in through you nose, out through your mouth, you had time to digest everything that had happened during the day.

And as you finally fell asleep, you couldn't help but let one hopeful thought race across your mind.

Maybe he wasn't just hugging you because of his fears.


he just wanted to hug you.



wow, what an eventful night :)

something new, a chapter unread and unedited : _ ) (im being sarcastic its the only way this hoe knows how to socialise)

thank you for reading! Hopefully the next chapter will be out in around a week, this one's got a hectic schedule.

love you,


sweet recovery- J.jkWhere stories live. Discover now