The day still went on decently normal, that was until lunchtime when Harry and Niall walked into the cafeteria and the room went silent for five wholesome seconds, as what seemed like a million heads snapped in their direction. Harry leaned over to Niall and asked him in a whisper if he had anything on his face, because what else would anyone be so interested in Harry for? Unless word had spread that he and Louis had walked into school together. Wow, did this school have nothing better to talk about? The boys sat down, Jan and Zayn were already there.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Zayn asked, with wide eyes.

"I don't even know, I think there must be some rumors going around because Louis drove me to school this morning," Harry said blushing. He expected Jan to start cooing after hearing the news, but she just shifted in her seat and avoided Harry's eyes. Something was definitely up with her, but Harry was sure she would tell him if it was serious. Or at the very least tell Niall who would then blab to him.

Lunch ended awkwardly because Jan never spoke and Liam never showed up. At least Niall and Zayn seemed normal. Harry threw away his trash and strolled casually down to health class which he would only have for one more month before the class would switch to gym. It seemed like as soon as he sat down when Alex drowned him with questions.

"Who the hell is Louis Tomlinson and why have I heard both of your names come up like five billion times today?" Alex whisper-shouted.

"By five billion do you mean just five times? Also, first off, you do know Louis is in this class right?" Harry sighed. People were talking about him and Louis? That was not good, and he was pretty sure that Louis wasn't going to react well. What if he stopped talking to him? What if he cut Harry out, to stop the rumors? By the time his mind reached the worst case scenarios, he felt sick to his stomach.

"Hello?" Alex said waving a hand in front of the younger's face, "Earth to Harold? Anyway, you're actually friends with one of the popular jock boys?"

Harry shrugged slightly, then Alex leaned back and looked at Louis, sitting in the corner.

"Damn. He' s fucking hot. Does he like dick? Is he single? Can I have his number?" Alex asked brightly after turning back to Harry, who just sat there blinking.

"I- uh, I mean well, Louis and I, I kind of-"

"Oh. My. God. Harry Styes," Alex said before leaning in and whispering, "you totally like Hottie Tomlinson over there don't you?"

"Whaaaaaaat? Pft. Me? No, of cou- okay yeah maybe," Harry gave in.

"Ahh! This is so exciting, I am so going to set you two up-"

"No, no, no Alex, it's just complicated. Oh, and he's straight by the way," Harry sighed.

"Really?" Alex asked with the most unconvinced facial expression, "Look at him right now."

Harry peered over to the corner where Louis sat, to see the older boy with limp wrists and his legs crossed, talking to some girl sitting next to him, which did cause a bit of jealousy to rise up in his chest. Louis did sort of, kind of, look Harry chuckled when Alex spoke again.

"H, my gaydar flashes big red lights," he looked at the younger boy before continuing, "he's gay Petra."

"What? What's Petra?"

"Ugh, sweetie. Pop culture, hello?"

"Oh, I get it!"

"No, you don't."

"Yeah, it's from Jane the virgin. That show on Netflix," Harry replied happily.

"Never talk to me again," Alex laughed loudly as the bell rung.

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