5. 1950 - Chanyeol

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"I have thought about it and hated it; I don't want to marry her

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"I have thought about it and hated it; I don't want to marry her. . . I want to marry Sunhae, someone I truly love and cherish. She is not even pretty or smart."

I remember telling that to my father before the wedding, and he was not happy with what I had to say.

I get up and head out of the bedroom as I go to check on the heater. I put in more firewood and close the latch. I go to the kitchen and see her sleeping on the living room floor.

I drink some water and walk over to her as she is sleeping. I look at her and shake my head as she looks pathetic. I'll never love you so I'll only be with you for a year... then, we will get a divorce, and I'll marry Sunhae.
I walk away from her and back in bed as I need my sleep for work. I cover myself and turn to my side as I remember Sunhae's pretty smile.


I wake up and push her away as I am still tired and don't want her touching me. "Geez... GO AWAY!" I say to her as I turn my back to her and cover myself with my blanket.

I hear her getting up carefully and leave the bedroom. I uncover myself and sit up from the bed as I can no longer go back to sleep. Pabo!! Stupid!!

I sit there and listen to her moving around outside of the bedroom. I take my notebook out and begin to write an entry.

March 5, 1950

Who should I hate the most her, my parents, myself? I'm angry about not being able to see Sunhae as she is heartbroken about this marriage. I should have taken Sunhae's hand and married her. We could have left this town and start a new life in Seoul.

I close the notebook as I have to get ready for work. Slowly going to the bathroom, I see that she made breakfast and packed my lunch.

I lift the rag up and see the food as I scrunch up my face. I cover it and walk to the bathroom. I turn the boiler as I'm going to take a bath and ready for work.

I'm sorry, Sunhae... I didn't mean to hurt you; I promise to get rid of her. Will you wait for me??

I sit in the bath and relax in the warm water. I wish I could stay here longer, but the guys need me. I'll stay late tonight, so I don't come home to see her.

I get up from the bath and grab the towel as I quickly dry myself. One by one, putting on my clothes and brushing my teeth.

I leave the bathroom and into the room as I grab a pair of socks. I head out of the room and put on my coat. I walk out of the house and make my way down the hill.

I see her walking up the hill and looks sad. Well, her parents went back home so she should feel sad.

"Annyeong haseyo!" Said Bomi, I look up at her but quickly look away.

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