Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

3:59 am

      Everything was so dark around me it was like walking through a black hole. The charcoal curtains blocked any type, shape, or form of light that could seep into the room. It was kind of spooky if you thought about it.

      In middle school, I was the biggest scaredy-cat. I’d see a man standing not too far away from me and convince myself he's a murderer, so I’d think up many escape routes like diving into the bushes, running zig-zagged like I’m avoiding a ferocious alligator, or join in a conversation with any innocent bystanders if he were to make any moves. Of course the person I saw is always completely harmless; it’s just the way I think. If someone cries wolf, I will take any chance I can to get the heck away from the supposed wolf.

      I watched as Sarah’s body moved up and down; watching her breathe in and out. I feel so dead right now, but my eyes won’t stay closed. I seriously feel like crawling to her desk where I can grab the masking tape, and seal my eyes shut.

      I threw on my soft sweatshirt since my arms were growing goose bumps and stood up to walk down the stairs that led to her family room. I shuffled my feet against her carpet and tripped over something on the floor. I rubbed my toe where it cut me and picked up the flimsy and sturdy thing that was most likely some kind of paper. I snatched my phone out of my pocket and shined its light on the object, and I recognized it. It was what I printed out to give to Spencer yesterday. Good thing I didn’t lose that, I breathed out. But how did it get there? 

      I buried it into my sweatshirt pocket and pondered. It was only a couple minutes past four, and I wasn’t going to fall asleep anytime soon, so what should I do? Listen to my iPod? Play Temple Run? Fill my stomach with Nutella? My stomach gurgled when I thought that, and it finally donned on me why my stomach had been hurting these past couple of hours. It’s because I haven’t eaten in forever!

      I counted each fast step I took to the kitchen filling my mind with thoughts so it wasn’t so silent in the room. I tore through their pantry curtain, and my eyes landed on the Nutella. It was like love at first sight. Everything started happening in slow motion, and I grabbed the can and a spoon and licked the chocolaty goodness until half of it was in my stomach. I felt guilty and sat it back in its rightful spot and reached for the sea salt and vinegar chips instead.

      This time it took thirty-seven steps back to the family room instead of twenty-six; probably because I was walking slowly savoring the yummy taste in my mouth. I picked up my pace and leaped onto their super comfy couch and released a huge breath.      

      I closed my eyes dropping chips in my mouth every few seconds and watched some mental movies on the insides of my eyelids.

      I was on a rollercoaster, but it was one that goes upside down every second. I could feel my stomach flipping inside-out every time I went upside down. I covered my eyes with my hands, so I didn’t have to watch myself ride the rest of this god-awful ride, but then it came to a sudden stop and my thick hair flicked into my face. I brushed it out of the way and my eyes flew wide open. I was now on the edge of a cliff, still in my cart, and the rest of the cars from the ride had fallen off in front of me. “Phew,” I said wiping some of the sweat that trickled down my face from screaming on the ride. I was the next in line to go off the cliff, but the workers are working on backing us up.

      “Don’t be so stressed,” a man said from a car behind us. I turned around and recognized him but couldn’t set a name to his face.

Can I Make It Through?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें