As the car moved sluggishly due to the traffic restricting her , because of  a sudden jerk her head striked against the windshield and she gasped.
She rubbed her ruddy wound with her shrinked eyes , and a car emerged out of trance and stood next to her BMW.

Her eyes without waiting for authorization volunteered , and gawped the man talking on the cell with his fingers dancing as he talked, there was something about him which was extraordinary and galvanized thapki , as if she knows this so called stranger since ages.
The man within few minutes hung up and his eyes turned sidewards in the same direction as that of thapki and a smirk escaped his lips as he recognized her, ofc he'll afterall she's one of the most famous and capable security officer and too often those media animals have displayed her snap against her sanction.
The man gently pressed the button to remove the only barrier b/w them and thapki reciprocated the gesture.

Thapki (shouting politely through the half opened window) : do we know each other sir ?

Man : you are ugly !! not that much pretty as  those shitty news pannels
exhibits, i guess its the editing...

with that the barrier returned and the jam cleared , and his car lurched forward while she squalled the car narrowing her eyes and frowned pulling up the window again.

Thapki (to herself) : whos he ? i have seen him somewhere but where ?

she stressed her brain to browse for this so called stranger and the brain finally answered.

Thapki (to herself) : oh wasn't he The Bihaan pandey the celeberated detective ahhh yes and no wonder why he's notorious for his voilent outbursts...but still he's a kink who at least did not flirted...but using a street jive is not appreciatede at the very first meeting not even meeting just exchanging glances that's what we were doing and his rudeness began so early using a colloquial expression
at least his behaviour like other boys isnt ersatz. Anyway it doesn't bothers me being pretty in his eyes coz my jeff says i am my own kind of beautiful...

A phone call suddenly detracted her and she answered the call , ofc how she can avoid it when its her husband.

Jefferey : baby!! where are you ? i am dialing your cabin landline since morning....

Thapki : am sorry jeff actually dad called me up in the morning and now i am heading towards SCA within 5 mins or so i'll be there...btw anything staid ?

Jefferey : umm...actually today my friend has thrown a party in our honour its for our marriage so you straightaway reach there by 8 pm sharp The Ambience hotel , and yes i am in  a saloon right now and plz appoint a pro tonight for getting you ready. I had to go john is calling me and i love you...darling..

Thapki : jeff...wa...wai..waittt...

Before she could say anything he was gone.

Driver : mam we're may get down...

Thapki : oh..ohk...

Thapki walked in as the guard saluted her and there was something fishy today the smile which she usually hosted by him , today seemed to be fake and half hearted....

The lady guard checked her thoroughly her purse everything and then the huge white glass gates waited for her fingers to touch the automated screen which would record her fingerprints and math them with those in the records..she entered in , and the office air started to fill the void in her the usual bussel which always greeted her was missing...everything was out of the way today , she shrugged her jacket and toddeled off to another security checker when maria met her on the way .
she was a beautiful girl with a skinny stature and blonde hair. Her colour was as white as milk and the red lipstick adored her lips. Her hazel eyes today seemed quite antsy which added to thapki's stew..

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