Chapter 18 // The Day On A Plane

Start from the beginning

I felt the car come to an abrubt halt and looked out the window confused. There outside of the window, was the airport. Had I really zoned out for that long or was the hotel just super close? "Alright time to get out bitches" somone announced, who I think was Aaron. Everyone piled out per usual and grabbed their bags. I went to grab my bags and a hand met mine. "Here I'll help you with your bags, you've got a lot and I've only got like one." I looked up to see Jack looking back at me. "Oh um thanks" I muttered as he grabbed them. As we both walked to catch up with the rest of the group I heard jack mutter something inaudible.

"Did you say something?" I questioned.

"No um nothing" He replied quickly.


We caught up with the group and I joined Shawn and Cameron in their chatting.

"Nooo dude have you ever seen her lips?"

"Yes, total lip injections!"

"I know right?!"

"Um may I ask whose lips we are talking about?" I asked already amused by the weirdos. "Kylie Jenner's duhh" Shawn answered. The three of us continued talking about her lips all the way up until we got to the ticket lines. We all got to go into the empty line so none of us would be recognized and cause a mass freak out. Aaron gave everyone their tickets and we blew through the line and then security. One of the security gaurds stopped me as I was walking through and told me they had to give me a "pat down". "Are you serious?!" I questioned annoyed. The guy didn't answer and began to pat me down. It was quiet uncomfortable and I was not a fan of his hands on my body. I felt something touch my ass and I immediately jerked away from the man. I was about to shout at him but Jack appearred out of no were and stepped in between the guy and I.

"What the hell are you doing man?! You have no right to fucking touch her like that!"

"Please continue through security young man"

Jack was about to protest but I grabbed his arm, "Come on, it's fine, let's just go." He gave the man one last look and bumped shoulders with him as he walked back towards his stuff. I got my stuff as well and put my shoes back on. Once everyone had gone through security we found our gate and found seats to wait around in. Our flight boared at 2:15 and it was currently 1:47. To kill time everyone went there own way to adventure around the airport, making sure to keep their hoodies covering their faces. While a few stayed back and hung out with the bags. I chose to go walking around by myself. I passed a few fast food places until I found Chick-fila . I got in the line and saw Shawn waiting a few people ahead. He saw me and waved me over, "Hey come wait with me". I did as he said and walked infront of a few people up to him, "So what are you getting?" I scanned the menu and finally found something, "Umm a number three." "No way me too you copier" He said sticking his tongue out at me. "Hey we both know your the copier here. I mean have you seen your lips? Total Kylie impersonation" I said returning the joking stuck out tongue.

We both started laughing as the cashier announced "Next please". Shawn and I ordered our food and found a table next to the large glass window/wall to sit at. As we were eating we talked lightly, "Wait wait, Kylie Jenner or Shawn Mendes? Nine out of ten get this question wrong", he said sticking his lips out into an overly massive duck face. I giggled at his joke, "ummm I'm gonna have to go with Kylie?" Shawn couldn't hold in his laughter while replying "Nopppppe". We continued eating and talked about random things. It turns out Shawn likes flying just as much as I do. We are both big suckers on traveling and seeing the world. He even said he's been flying places since he was a little kid. We have a lot more in common than I knew of. He's always been very quiet but I'm glad he began to loosen up. After finishing our fast food we walked around to some of the shops. I bought a magazine and a Fiji water as well as some twizzlers for the plane ride. Shawn on the other hand bought a new pillow and several chocolate bars. As I was paying for everything I grabbed a pack of skittles for Cameron.

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