"escape or die trying"

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He lied to me. He made me believe he was gonna change. He had me fooled. How can i ever trust him again?. I dont think i ever will.

.... flashback....

" baby i didnt do it how could i you keep me locked in here!! i can never go anywhere! you control me!!" i scream at him. he said i was a cheating whore that slept with his bestfriend. i dont even know who they are. " how dare you talk to me that way!!!" he thundered and slapped me. i fell into the coffee table trying to hold back tears cradling my swollen cheek.

" You promised me you wouldnt git me again you promised!" i said

" yea well promises are made to be broken" he says and grabs me by my hair and drags me up the stairs and onto his king bed he rips my shirt and i grab his hand " what are you doing? you better not!" i scream at him he punches me in the face dazing me as he continues to undress me... soon we are both undressed and i am fighting like hell to get him off " get off me you filthy bastard you will pay for this!!" i scream as he pushes inside me he is panting and grunting like an wild animal. but all i know next is the painful final thrust and his teeth elongating and sinking into me then darkness. complete utter darkness....

....flashback over....

i sit in utter pain with juan's hands wrapped around my waist his "area" still inside me all i see when i look down is blood. thats when i got my idea. i was gonna escape tonight. or die trying.....


well there you go guys the descriptions and the second chapter this was hard to write believe it or not with all the pain and determination put into this

love, peace, snickers and skittles,

majesticskaters :D

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