an unwanted reunion

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Im going to be updating more often also im going to self promote another story im writing called a "A Touch of Death" its Stiklaus so go check that out , also im planning to write another story that's stamon or stalec also should I bring Shadowhunters into this story ? 

Song>>>> let me down slowly Alec Benjamin

Stiles POV

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was I was still in the manor, the second was the very annoying yelling downstairs. I get out of bed , reluctantly if I might add, and walked down the hall and looked down the stairs and saw all the Freya, Klaus, Elijah, Hayley, a blonde haired girl who had her back turned to me (Rebekah),  a brown haired teenage girl who was a witch and seemed to have a lot of power( Davina), and marcel. I coughed loudly to get their attention, crossed my arms over my chest and l leaned  against the wall while still in my pajamas. 

They all turn towards me to reveal that the blonde was Rebekah, though the brown haired girl still remained a mystery to me. I turn to look at Rebekah and Marcel and nod at them , 

" hello Rebekah , Marcel. I don't think we've been properly introduced, my names Stiles." I say as I extend my hand to shake theirs. after the greeting between us I turn to Niklaus and Elijah and glare at them. 

" why the hell are you yelling? I was just trying to sleep so I can be all happy and dandy when I wake up but as you can see that's not the case, and I plan to stay here for one more night and so  help me god if you do this again you will regret it"  I say warningly but I guess Klaus wasn't believing I  can hurt him cause he said  

" Really what can you do to me an 1000 year old hybrid? " mockingly and a not even 10 second later we were standing on the edge of a volcano and I was holding  Niklaus over the volcano using my magic then just as fast as we were there we were back at the manor and everyone was looking around  bewildered. 

" ill drop you in a volcano" I said innocently, they all looked at me like I was insane but I didn't really care. I turned to the brown haired girl  and introduced myself.

" hi my names Stiles, im sorry we uh -- had to meet this way, I just really like my sleep"

" I can tell" she said with an amused look " my names Davina" 

then I turned to everyone and found them all staring at us, I clapped my hands loudly making them all jump 
" why were you yelling?"

" A new pack has entered New Orleans, and they are causing quite the ruckus" I tensed thinking of Derek and Scott

" whats the name of the pack"

" tail? kale" Hale! its Hale" Hayley said confirming my worst fear  of having to see them again , and before I knew it everything went black.

When I woke up I was laying on a couch and everyone was sitting on the opposite couches. I sat up and everyones head snap to me . 

" how long was I out " 

"an hour" I turn to my right and see Elijah had said that . he stands up and looks down at me " what is the Hale Pack to you " he says raising an eyebrow at me. 

" whats it to you" I say in a New Jersey accent

"Considering they're a possible threat, I believe that its all of our businesses" he says sitting down. I sigh and lay on my back while crossing my legs and and folding my hands together,

" well ya see doc, it all started 10 years ago,  I was lost, and was alone when I rolled into a little town called Beacon Hills. I was walking down the street at night when I heard yelling , so naturally I had to follow cause dangers my middle name. I turned the corner and see the Sheriff being held at gunpoint , and for some reason I wanted to feel like a superhero so when the shooter shot I caught the bullet and killed the guy and of course the sheriff was freaking out but once he collected himself he said he owed me so I decided to cash that in at that moment and that's how Stiles Stilinski was born. I got a vampire to compel the whole town to think that Claudia and John had a child named Meiczyslaw who had a bestfriend named Scott McCall  . Everything was going great I was part of a pack called the Hale Pack and they all thought I was human but then I guess I became to human and they decided to kick me out of the pack which resulted in me kicking their asses and then I came here and just like dogs do.they followed - no offence wolves in the room- so I guess they've arrived."

they all sat in silence taking in what I just said, so I stood up and grabbed my jacket 

" I'm going to let you all absorb that, so I'm going to go home .... bye" I heard mumbled goodbyes so I left the manor.

 I walked down the streets of New Orleans and took in my surroundings. Everyone I could see was happy, the lights were lit and the sound of laughter filled the air , you could feel that although there's bad here the good out weighs it. Children ran through the streets, and  magic flowed through the ground, the supernatural ruled New Orleans  and for the first time I felt.... I felt at home, so I smiled. I waved to the people I passed and I greeted people I knew, I made new friends . Then I thought of the Mikaelsons ,Hayley, Davina and marcel and smiled. I know I just met them recently but I felt- no I know that they'll be my new family.

I arrived at my apartment and walked up the stairs, and I unlocked the door. I hung up my sweater and turned on the light I walked into the living room and jumped when I saw none other than then the  Hale Pack .

I looked at them and crossed my arms while raising one of my eyebrows, 

" what do you want and why are you here ? Because you're on someone else territory and they're pretty pissed that you're causing trouble" 

" what are you stiles" Scott asked ignoring my question 

" why are you here" thinking two can play that game

" He asked you a question stiles. What are you" Derek said pinning me to the wall

" I advise you to get your hands off me or else" 

" or else what" he said mockingly

and for the second time in one day I was on the edge of a volcano holding the whole hale pack above it, including Lydia and said , 

" or else ill drop you in a volcano" and for the first time since we started talking they all looked scared.

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