meeting his family

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Song>>>Beautiful pain my alec benjamin
Stiles POV

I woke up in a unfamiliar room i grip the blanket and look down, they're white? but mine are red . I step out of the bed and look around the room, the walls are blank, and everything is white. i look down and check to see if I'm wearing my own clothes and i am , so that most likely rules out sex slaves kidnapping, you can never be to safe . I look up again my eyes stop on a wooden door, i get up and walk to it , I put my hand on the door and twist the knob. I step out a wince as my feet hit the cold stone, I run back into the room and look around again before my eyes stop on a white dresser. How did I not see you that? I walk to it and pull out black fuzzy socks. I put them on and roll my toes ( only way for me to describe it ) and sigh.

  I put them on and roll my toes ( only way for me to describe it ) and sigh

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( these are comfy and warm and have nothing to do with the story)

I walk back out the door and walk to the railing, I look over it and see a 'M' on the wall , I guess I'm in the Mikaelson manor. I walk down the hall and to the stairs, I take in the my surroundings as I descend, I get to the bottom and walk to the center of the room, and twirl in a circle. When I complete my circle im greeted by Elijah, Niklaus, and two other girls.

one is a witch with short blond hair, her magic is powerful , the other is a hybrid, she has long blonde hair and one of her eyebrows is raised while she is crossing her arms over her chest .

" Uh hi" I say with a small wave " how ya doin? my names Stiles to the present company who doesn't know, I like reading, I like the color purple and wolves. now how bout you? What are your names , im referring to the she wolf and witchy. you two though" I point to Elijah and Klaus" I know your names . Elijah and Niklaus. Wait! Wait ! how rude of me! Stiles Stilinski at your service. also im sorry is im being , whats the word, " I say as I bow. "also twitchy I haven't taken my ADHD pill"

when I look up they all have an amused glint in their eyes, then she wolf takes a step forward and puts her hand out

" Hayley. My name is Hayley , and that is Freya" she says pointing her thumb at the blonde.

" hello . do you have food? im starving, and im not talking about a red liquid you know and love." shooting a look at Klaus and Elijah who in response rolls their eyes.

"yeah, follow me"

we all follow her to what I assume is the kitchen and that's where I take off, I start making breakfast and humming and swaying my hips to the beat in my head . When I finish making enough food for all of us I turn around and see them all staring at me.

"what?" in response they all shake their heads. they then all sit at the table , while I put food in front of them along with coffee, then motion for them to eat . I was about to take a bite but stopped, realizing something,

" oh.... my... god " I say putting my fork down" I feel like a mom , a mom with a bunch of supernatural babies" I whisper

they all look at me weirdly before chucking slightly

" now why did you bring me here, cause I don't think is was to have a supernatural brunch" I say finishing my food after about 5 minutes of silence

they put their forks on their plates and I wave my hand and make them disappear and say " talk please"

they all look at each other before Elijah speaks" we have a few questions" and I motion for him to continue " how did you know who we" pointing to Klaus and and himself" are? we've never met you" I sigh before saying my answer

" I had a dream. there was a party and your sister, you, Klaus, and Marcel were there, it seemed to be the early 1920s , Marcel is wearing a soldiers uniform, and you all were having a dandy time, but" I then pointed at Klaus " you were more of an asshole" at that he growled and everyone else snickered, then Elijah coughed, and all the attention was on him again.

" what are you"

" a hybrid"

" between what"

" a void Kitsune and a spark" then I heard Freya suck in a bit of air, so everyone turned to her " how old are you" she asked

"2000 and something years old, next question"

"why are you in New Orleans"

" I needed a break from where im from, I wanted to make new friends, date a guy, have sex, party, anything I can do " I sigh

" can you demonstrate your magic please"

I sigh and get up and motion for them to follow me into the courtyard

" okay everyone sit in a circle, then grab hands and close your eyes"

Klaus sits next to me and grabs my hand then Freya on my other side, she grabs Elijahs hands, he grabs Hayleys hand and she grabs Klaus'

I picture the vibrant green grass and how it'd feel to run my fingers through it, to sit on , I imagine how it would feel for the cold air to brush against me lightly, how the sun would feel on my skin, I picture sounds of animals , the naked tree that allow me to see the mountains behind them and the shadows on my face, I see myself sitting I silence, then I add everyone and we are all sitting on the green grass on the hill shadowed by trees with a breeze lightly hitting us and smelling the grass, tree, water , everything in the air. when I open my eyes we're there.

 when I open my eyes we're there

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( Iceland)

they all look around in awe and stand up, I let them and its just as I pictured, I sigh and close my eyes

"where are we?" I recognize that as Hayley's voice


" how'd we get here" Elijah asks

" I imagined it . I imagined us being here . me feeling the grass, the sun, the breeze, smelling the scent of water and trees, and the mountains in the background."

" you imagined it?"

" most witches magic is connected to their ancestors or the elements, but im rare, my magic is rare. My magic is based on belief, my belief. so if I believe it , itll happen for example is I believe I can fly" I start to float in the air higher and higher" then it'll happen" I whisper the last part as I lower myself to the ground. we stay for hours just exploring the terrain, until the sun begins to set and everyone is standing there watching it .

" would you like to go home now?" they all nod " okay everyone, same position as before." then in seconds we're back in the manor.

We all get up and brush off our pants " I should be heading off to bed. do you mind if I stay her another night"

" sure" I hear them all say , so I go to the room I was previously in, I wave my hand and change the blankets to soft ones, I take off my socks, get under the covers and turn off the light and close my eyes humming 'Beautiful Pain' and slowly drifting off to sleep. not knowing that an original hybrid was listening.

( im sorry if this is somewhat rushed, I had just realized I hadn't updated in eight days so i was rushing to upload, also Im kind of tired and its like 2 am ) ( also I uploaded a prologue to a new story that has Stiklaus so go check that out please)

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