more parts of the Jade rewrite i left out lol

16 1 27

And just other random things

•shes a solid 14

•her birthday is June 21st

•so she might be a gemini? she might be a cancer? she doesn't know

•fran is still her little sis


•her dad's a charmer apparently, since he got hecate twice

•when she found out she was just like "gO DAD"

(at this point I had to check to make sure that I didn't kill her dad oops)

•right now she and the other hecate campers are on a mission to make sure Drew doesn't get any more ingredients for love potions

•they have had enOUGH

•plus drew is Liv's supplier half the time and Jade does not need another ausia Christmas

•shes a vegetarian

•she has glasses

•that she usually doesn't wear at camp

•she either wears contacts or just goes blind

•she wears glasses with the hunters though, cause contacts are way too annoying and you need to see

•shes like 5'1

•she likes to stand on tables


•and bright red lipstick

•and lipstick in general

•if Dodie asked her to kill someone she probably would

•she loves Dodie so much

•go listen to dodie

•she loves hugs

• l o v e s hugs

•platonically, obviously


•she likes marvel now

•has a not so platonic crush on Zendaya

•yes she still gets crushes

•no she does not act on them

•she loves the hunters soooo much

•she loves the outdoors

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