its beginning to look a lot like Christmas

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-jade gets into Christmas 400%

-she also really enjoys saint Stephen's day/boxing day, which is, in short terms, a feasting day the day after Christmas

-she brings around cookies and stuff to all the cabins on boxing day

-while dragging Nico along

-she really enjoyed Christmas this year

-she got Liv a lipstick set that has both matte lipstick and lip glosses, a red dress with matching earings.

-she got yuvia a cactus, some fairy lights, a mint perfume, the be more chill book, and a sweater to make up for the one she never gave back

-she got Ollie a sketch book, some highlighter cause that looks good on freaking everyone, a 'mantra' bracelet that says "don't be a prick" with a little cactus on it, and some cider (don't ask how she got it. What's important is that she did)

-she got Dani a sketchbook as well, with some watercolor pencils and rubbing alcohol for blending, some star wars merch that really has no order because Jade didn't really know what they were, and a ravenclaw choker

-rebs got pretty much the same thing as Dani, except the choker was Hufflepuff and she got a sun pillow

-jax got one of those little dolphins in tanks things you get at aquariums, a full set of colored pencils (and a backup), a few beanies, an Amazon gift card, and an oversized sweatshirt

-for Meg, she made a constellation maker (you shine a light through a cone and the lights look like constellations, and due to a bit of charms, they can change and magically change to what they look like at that point in the year), a bunch of essential oils and dried herbs, rose perfume, vegan hair dye of different colors, and infinity war on DVD (she pulled a few favors from Liv)

(If I forgot someone I'm really sorry it's almost ten where I am and I'm tired)

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