My Personal Pet ver. 2.0

Start from the beginning

Ever since I was little, this pale-skinned lady kept appearing in my dreams and calling out my name, I thought she was my mother so I tried asking step-mother where my real mother was, but she only glared at me and said that she was dead. Those dreams made it feel like she was still out there somewhere.

Mother, I'll work hard. I'll keep earning money to keep my family alive and when I have enough money, I'll find you myself...

"Yuki, why didn't you accept Bella's offer?" Alli asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Huh? You think I can model?" I looked at her. "You're joking right?"

"Girl, you have to stop looking down on yourself." Alli replied looking towards Will to back her up. "You have the most amazing eyes. What color was it again?"

"Violet-blue," Will replied for me. "I'm sure that's exactly what their looking for. Bella was trying to get you to dress up once in a while."

Easy for you to say...Not everyone can be as pretty and proportional as Bella, your girlfriend. =_=

Yes, my crush already has a girlfriend. Heartbreaking, isn't it? Now the five of us have become inseparable, and I'm the awkward fifth wheel. -_-

"Nah, I wouldn't look good in a dress." I countered.

"How would you know? For all the 15 years I've known you, I've never seen you even try one on!" Alli exclaimed.

"Because I know I wouldn't look good in one. Duh." I said, quietly.

"I'm sure you'd look beautiful in one." Will added.

There you go. Saying such sweet comments and expecting me not to like you? You're just evil. Plain evil. That's what makes you so popular! You're so nice and well, nice. And not only are you nice, but you're a genius, skipping a grade just to be in the same grade as Bella. I don't know if that's smart or romantic. –"


"Alright, you're all dismissed!" The manager yelled while I silently celebrated. I can finally get out of this glamorous setting. \>o</

Will and Alli waited for me at the front since the models were allowed to leave after the show was over, but the backstage people had to tidy up. Bella was there with them.

"Yuki, thank you so much for helping out today," She smiled at me. "Here's you pay."

I took the envelope with just a thank you and remained silent.

"Well, I'm going to meet up with Jake for a date," Alli started looking towards me with apologetic eyes, inching away further every word. "So I guess I'll see you later!" She yells then runs away.

Great, ditched by my best friend and left to stand here with my crush and his girlfriend, just great. =o=

"I've got some work to do for a bit of money, so I guess I'll see you guys later too." I took the initiative to say before walking in the same direction that Alli had left. I didn't really have work to do so I guess I'd go to the Uptown mall to do some window shopping of desserts. Anything in Uptown was way over my budget anyways.



"Leon! I LOVE YOU!"

"Can I have your autograph?"


"Marry Me!"

"He's so hot!"

"Would you like me to turn on the radio, Young Master?" the driver asked, the tall, dark and handsome young man in the back seat of the limousine.

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