Chapter 2: I'd Rather Drink My Smoothie Rather Then Wear It

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Chapter 2: I'd Rather Drink My Smoothie Rather Then Wear It

Morgan's POV:

After my dad showing me my room, i just nodded and literally slammed the door in his face. I didn't care if he felt bad or not, honestly. He deserved to feel bad.

I unpacked all my crap and stuffed them into the dresser drores. Thankfully, i had my own bathroom. That's where i put all my makeup, hair things, toothbrush (and paste), cleansers, and basically just anything typical you'd find in a teenaged girls bathroom.

When my mom and I were on the way to hell (my dad's beach house), we passed a carnival that was only maybe a twenty minute walk from my dad's place to there. If i wanted to go (which I'd probably end up going because anywhere was better then my dad's place) I'd probably walk on the beach to get there.

I grabbed my purse which slung over my shoulder and chest and across my body; it was brown leather and my favorite purse if i may add. I stuffed maybe about one hundred dollars in there along with my phone.

For an outfit, i basically just threw on a pair of shorts which were this soft material. It was white with blue stripes going down them. It had sort of a pirate-y look in a way. I tied the draw-strings into a bow. I wore a plain, black, sort of loose shirt that i sometimes wore to bed since it was a little loose around my torso and because it was extremely comfortable. Just to keep warm when the day got colder as night came closer, i put on a loose black sweater.

My hair was a tangled, wavy mess, so i just quickly braided it. Although it still looked messy, i honestly didn't care too much about it. My makeup consisted of mascara that i had on from the night before and was now somewhat smudged under my eyes and that was about it.

I exited my room, shutting the door behind me, then just went to the front door, slid my flip flops on, and yelled "I'm leaving..." before shutting the door behind me.

The beach was literally right behind his house and I'd be lying if i said it wasn't beautiful.

I let the warm sand go between my toes that were in my flip flops as i walked and put my feet in the water a few times as well.

On my way to the little carnival, some girls stared at me in a rude sort of death-glare way, but i sort of just shrugged and kept walking. I don't care if they thought i looked weird. I don't care at all.

Once i (finally) got to the carnival, the first thing i decided to do was grab a smoothie.

I went to a small stand set up and took out five dollars, the price for the small smoothie. Damn prices are so high I'll be poor by the time the sun goes down if i buy another thing from here.

"Banana-strawberry smoothie." I ordered and within seconds, the delicious beverage was set in front of me. I payed the women behind the counter what i owed then walked away, taking one sip from the straw. Wow this was worth the five doll---

"Woah!" A male said before nearly tackling me over and causing the both of us to fall to the sand. My drink poured all over the front of my shirt and even on my hair. Great. There goes five dollars, my pajama shirt, and a perfectly good smoothie.

"What the hell!!" I yelled, quickly getting up and throwing my now empty cup onto the ground.

I tried wipping the dripping smoothie off my shirt with my hands, but i only made it worse.

"I'm sorry, i really am." The boy said as he was laughing. Yup, you heard me. Laughing.

"Yeah, you sure look it." I responded, rolling my eyes and looking up at him annoyed.

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