Chapter 3: I Stopped Playing Tag When I Turned Five

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✱ Chapter 3: I Stopped Playing Tag When I Turned Five✱

Morgan's POV:

After the night with August, she made some pancakes which were somewhat burnt, then i went on my way. Thankfully for August having an a nice mom, she cleaned my shirt and sweater for me and let me take a shower in the morning so i could wash the crusty smoothie out of my hair.

They offered me a ride home plenty of times, but i was in no rush to go back to my dad's house again. So, i thanked them, told August I'll text her later, and began walking.

On my little walk, i came across a small coffee shop. I hate coffee, but i could go for a cup of very sugary tea.

After waiting in the ten minute line just to get a damn tea and glazed donut, i sat down at a round table and began scrolling through my phone. I took a sip of my tea, only to burn my tongue and mumble a curse word to myself, and jumping out of my seat a bit. I sat back down, scooted myself in, and took a bite of my donut despite the burn coming from my tongue.

"Well if it isn't the sassy smoothie girl..." I heard a voice, and looked up since that description fit my yesterday self perfectly.

Oh great.

It's Mr. Charming himself.

"What part of 'go away, you're a complete freak' don't you understand?" I asked, finishing my donut and grabbing my cup of tea and slipping my phone back in my bag. I picked up the plastic bag with my dirty clothes inside.

"Complete freak? You didn't say that yesterday..."

"Yeah? Well, I'm so sorry for forgetting, at least i told you now."

"Ouch... Well anyways, i wanted to apolo--"

I cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth

"Stop. Talking." I said in chopped sentences before taking my hand off his face and rolling my eyes at him.

"Can i at /least/ get your name? For old times sake?" He asked, but i stayed silent. "C'mon... I just want to know the name of the girl i tackled! Don't you think it's better if i call you by your real name rather then sassy smoothie gi--"

"Morgan! My name is Morgan Tate. Have a nice day....." I dragged the sentence on, wanting him to tell me his name without me actually having to ask what it is.

"Harry... Harry Styles." He replied with a toothy grin.

"Have a nice day, Harry." I repeated, walking past him and out the shop.


"Where have you been, Morg? You can't just disappear all night and show up out of no where with NO messages what so ever!" My dad scolded right when I got home from walking.

I simply rolled my eyes at him "you didn't seem to care what i did for the last two years of my life, why start now?" I answered spitefully, walking to my room and throwing my dirty clothes in a garbage bag i had. Every week (on Mondays) i was planning to clean my week worth of clothes down at the laundry mat.

I changed into a pair of long jeans that were ripped at the knees, a tight navy blue tank top, along with a multi-colored red flannel. I let my hair out of it's somewhat greasy braid and let it stay down.

I walked to the bathroom and washed my face, taking off the old makeup so i didn't break out much, then brushed my teeth. Even though i didn't shower last night and this morning, I'll probably just shower tonight; no big deal.

As i grabbed my bag from my bed and entered the living room, i kissed the top of my brothers head and ran my fingers threw his curls "see you later, punk." I said with a smile, earning a smile back from the baby.

I left unexpectedly once again. I had to spend the least amount of time in that house as I could. Maybe one of these days I'd take Mikey to the beach or the carnival or something.

I walked around the beach, kicking shells and ignoring people.

"Hey, Morgan!" I heard a voice yell. I looked up from the sand, squinting my eyes to see.

Oh god, not again.

"Harry, now i honestly think you're stalking me." I said, crossing my arms over my chest as i watched the shirtless boy run over to me with that charming smile of his.

"Maybe i am, maybe I'm not." He replied, his smile turning into a smirk. "I was wondering if you'd like to... Um... Maybe you'd like to come to the carnival with me tonight. I'm going with a few friends and I'd love if you tagged along."

"Sorry, i stopped playing tag when i turned five." I replied with a shrug as if saying 'sorry bud, you're out of luck because i hate you.' Hate? Na, that's too strong of a word. More like dislike greatly.

"Does that mean i could pick you up at eight?" He said with a confident grin (as usual), and his eyebrows raised. "No tag necessary....? And I'll buy you a smoothie and win you something at a game."

Hm, he was good at bargaining.

"Deal. But I'm wearing this and if i don't have a good time, you have to promise to leave me alone, alright?"

"And if you have a good time, Morgan? What happens then?" He asked.

"Then..." I said before trailing off. For once in my life, I'm lost for words. Crap.

"What? Is that Morgan i see? Lost for words? Wow." Harry sarcastically gasped.

"Screw off and I'll see you at eight, moron." I said with a laugh, shaking my head and continuing to walk. I turned my head only to see Harry stand in that one spot, running his fingers threw his hair with a dumb smile on his lips.

Why's he so happy?

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