The Matchmaker ver. 1.0

Start from the beginning

"Irene is here? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I shouted as I bolted towards the door. Dom only chuckled and walked after me.

Irene, one of my best friends, knows that I'm Malt. I became friends with her right after I moved to the same school as her. It was during the same time I created the blog, for that reason, I told her about it. She's the kind of person that is always cheerful and fun to be around, that's why I always get so excited when I get to see her. Right now, it's summer so we don't meet often but I see her sometimes.

"Malisa! There you are! I thought we wouldn't get a chance to meet this summer!" Irene's loud voice rang loud and clear across the street. I could see now she was waiting there with Karen!

Karen, is my other best friend that knows about Malt. She's always nice and kind, but she can be really loud when needed. She always stands up for her friends and is nice to everyone, so everyone likes her. They all want to be her friend, but gets the image that she's quite so doesn't approach her. We share the same interest and feelings most of the time so we get along great. The first time we met was because of the one and only, Irene, though.

"Malisa! Dom! I was so excited!" Karen exclaimed, smiling as Dom and I crossed the road to meet them.

"Let's go get sushi! Then we can come to my house for an anime marathon!" Irene decided, happily.

We all agreed and followed her into the Japanese Restaurant. Did I forget to mention, we have a lot in common yet our personalities are so different? Karen and I always feel sorry for Dom since he is always forced to come with us by Irene.

"So, who's paying?" Dom asked suddenly.

"What are you talking about? We're all paying equal amounts! Don't think you'll get to pay less!" I scolded him.

After paying we took a taxi to Irene's house and watched anime for the rest of the day, as promised. We each picked out an anime, from Irene's collection of anime DVDs. By the time we had finished watching all the episodes, it was already dark out.

"Luckily, I forced Dom to come! If I didn't, who knows what dangers two girls alone at this time-" Irene started.

"Yeah, yeah. How do you know I won't do anything?" Dom interrupted.

"Because if you do anything to Malisa or Karen, I'll make sure you never walk again." Irene threatened.

"Alright, I got it! Sheesh, you're probably scarier the-" Dom started, before he was interrupted by Irene.

"Shut up!"

"OW! What was that for?" Dom yelled, after being hit by Irene.

"That was for interrupting me!" Irene replied.

Karen, Dom and I got a taxi and dropped Karen of first at her house.

"Malt, see you at school!" Karen waved as Dom and I left.

Dom lived exactly opposite me so he accompanied me all the way home. He probably didn't dare come into my house now since he seemed too remained silent after Irene's threats. I unenergetically dragged myself up to my room and fell asleep, almost immediately. Anime marathons with Karen and Irene always tire me out...

A/N: How was it? Tell me if you want me to continue the other version, even though I probably won't anytime soon! I have a new story planned already -_- I always get new ideas before I even finish my old ones...hahahaha

Anyways, thanks again to my awesome friends...more of my friends may appear in later chapters ;) hehehehe so look out for your names, my friends :)

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