chapter three.

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Link was left alone. Standing utterly dumbfounded and... guilty. Never before had the gifted knight felt guilty for his successes, for emerging victorious. But, the true hurt in Revali's eyes left his heart pounding, and stomach churning in regret. He should have refused this duel.

   The strong gusts of wind carried Link as he ascended the top of the flight range, as worry and confusion troubled his mind. His crystal eyes roamed the flight range, and they widened. He hadn't won? He... hadn't won. It wasn't even close. So many of the targets clearly only had Revali's arrows pierced through them. Unfortunately, this only troubled the knight further; why did Revali hurry to that target in such a frenzy, and moreover, leave with such sadness in his eyes ?

    Link thought this over as he landed on the platform overlooking the flight range, gazing with curious eyes at his surroundings. Revali must have been so concerned with watching Link's progress and tactics that he failed to pay attention to his own. He failed to notice that Link hadn't hit a large number of the targets yet. He was just so focused on beating him. Why did Revali care so? Nothing seemed to irk him more than Link and his successes. He appeared so... embarrassed, like he really cared about what Link thought of him.

   The knight found himself with his mouth hanging slightly open having been so lost in his thoughts, and quickly swallowed and raised his head. Regardless of whatever he thought, Link knew he had to show Revali that he was the true victor. So, he took a photo of the flight range with the sheikah slate temporarily lent to him by the princess, and hurried off to show it to the navy Rito.

   It took a lot of searching to find Revali, a lot of paragliding and step climbing and people asking. By the time Link could actually find him in his home at the top of the village, slightly enclosed from the others, the evening sun kissed his face with a soft pink glow. The champion's home was the first in Rito Village that Link had seen with a door, and multiple rooms, for that matter. So, it felt strange for the knight to have to knock on the door. Originally, there was no reply. But he knew Revali was in there. He could hear him walking around. Link rapped on the door harshly, causing a loud clunk and a curse from the male inside, before the door was swung open and he was face to face with a scowling boy. The smaller reached to his hip pull out the sheikah slate, but almost had the door slammed into his face in return. Link had managed to stop the door with his arm, and push against the Rito. "Will you have the common courtesy to leave me alone? I don't want any of your petty gestures or your devoid-of-emotion face! " Revali cried, pushing as hard as he could against the other. Link managed to practically throw himself against the door, however, squeezing hurriedly through the gap he had created. The blonde struggled to get a proper grip on the sheikah slate while being shoved towards the door by the taller male, his ears filled with Revali's squawking and screeching. Link was practically shoving the image in the other's face before the Rito stormed off, continuing his incessant yelling. " Leave me alone! I cannot believe you would-"

   " Could you just shut up ?"

  Revali didn't gasp or leave his beak hanging open at the sound of Link's voice, he simply stood and stared, almost defeated by the strong and husky tones of his voice. The knight sighed, looking away momentarily before walking slowly up to the other and showing him the image of the flight range. " You won." His voice was gruff from the very little use it had, his eyes spoke more to the Rito. The crystal irises spoke of frustration, confusion, and strangely, sympathy.
      This was all too much for the taller champion, who wanted the very floor to engulf him. How could he have been so utterly foolish? It was true, what Link had thought earlier. Revali focused more on him than his own progress; he cared about what Link thought about it. He cared. The Rito scowled, no he did not! "Just get out." He grunted to Link, turning away in a manner of finality. The knight scowled himself , snatching the sheikah slate and walked with purpose out of the house. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀☾ ☾ ☾ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Author's Note; thanks for reading ! if you'd like, comment any characters or themes you'd like me to put in for later chapters 🌺

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2018 ⏰

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