01 - Four Blue Eyes

Start from the beginning

Of course, I'm running away. Well, not the running away and changing your name to live in Mexico and work for the circus kind of run-away... but, I'm not just going to stick around here. I need to get away.  

But, where?

I poked around more in the pockets of my shorts and sure enough I felt a small bump on my left. I sighed in relief. Thank Odin. How embarrassing would it be if I had to go back inside to fetch my phone? Hold up, what did Odin have to do with anything? Hiccup's fault for always geeking about his Norse mythology hyper fixations. Now, he's got me in on it too.

Walking around the neighborhood with no particular destination, I opened my phone and dialed Jack's number.

Jack. Jackson Overland Ross. He and I, along with Hiccup have been best friends since diapers. We've been here for forever in this out-of-the-map town. I was the last recruit, coming from Scotland, the Land of the Brave. Aurora Creek is a small, but she provides all our needs. She gives us peace. It's the kind of town you pass by while on the road to other towns more worthy of your visit.

Nothing ever happens here anymore. It's been frozen in time, in a way.

"Mer?" Jack's groggy voice finally answers. Good, he's still awake. That or I woke him up, "What's up?"

"Hey, Jackson. I uh..." I kicked a pebble in my path, "It's me mum again."

I can hear him click his tongue in disappointment from the other line. "Darn... that's the fourth one since Monday. Was it about the... again...?"

"Yup." sounding more emotionless than I thought I'd be. Looks like I poured all of those down on Mum earlier.

"I figured. Where are you right now?" 

"Outside. Stormed out. I just need to get away for... a year or something." 

"Wait, you stormed out? Must be one hell of a fight." 

Trying to laugh, "Aye. It was pretty bad...

I recalled the events for him. It still left a bitter taste in my mouth. This will probably scar me forever. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but it never gets easier.

"What the heck." he almost whispers in astonishment.

"Yeah, that's what I thought, too. Except it was 'what the fuck'."

"Oh wait, and you cursed her out?!" he suddenly raised his voice in disbelief, "But you never curse that bad! You just yell 'Jiminy crickets, help my bow' all the time."

"It's jings, crivens, help mah boab."

"Damn, Merida Blythe Van Gogh. That's—"

"I know... I know it was wrong." I wasn't proud of cursing on my Mum nor cursing in general, "I was just angry at... what she said. I couldn't control myself."

Why do I just so happen to have such a homophobic Mum? Did I do something terrible in my past life to deserve such punishment? Or however the reincarnation thing goes. I'm not the brightest at that subject, clearly.

It was Jack's turn to sigh, "Do you want me to go there?"

A friend to talk to right here and now would be a dream, but I don't want him to go through all that trouble just because I have Mommy issues. I guess what I really need right now is some alone time.

"Nah.. thanks. I think I want to be alone and just think... I think?" 


I was about to hang up when... "Woah, wait wait wait."

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