C h a p t e r T w o | W e l c o m e H o m e

Start from the beginning

"You're still too juvenile to comprehend the complexity of your choices," Seto explained how he saw things, "As a king, a huge impact to the Sky Kingdoms decisions and overall outcome lay in your hands. You need to process these thing! I can't offer you any help or advice on this if you're just going to ignore it. You need to stop being childish and do what's best for your homeland. Explain to me, what good can come out of this random stranger entering Team Crafted?"

"I'm twenty-one now! I understand wrong from right Seto, and he's not a stranger to me. We can get an outsider perspective from him about our thoughts and choices. He really is a good choice of mine." Seto widened his eyes, realizing something. He thought for a moment, backing away from Adam to think better, "Where did you meet this new person?"

"When I went out to that mission at one of the neighboring kingdoms to set up that trading embargo, I met him there as I walked down the towns streets," Adam explained, not feeling ashamed of anything. "I've been keeping contact with him and have separated myself for a couple of days to hang out with him. He's a good kid, trust me." Seto gave him a crossed look that could completely block out his true emotions, not wanting to believe what he's hearing. "You sly abydocomist, leave my presence!"

Adam gasped, insulted. "Take that back."

"Are you deaf?" Seto narrowed his eyebrows, "I said, leave!

"What did you want me to do then?! Have you seen the conditions those people are forced to live in? It's terrible and him being a part of our team would bring good publicity to help out his home town." Adam snickered sinisterly, his anger overcoming his logical train of thought, "Or are you just that arrogant that you can't open up your eyes and place yourself in someone else's shoes for once in your damn life." Seto has had it at this point, "Fine, do what you please! Don't ask me for my opinion anymore if yours values higher than mine."

Adam rubbed his head with frustration as he turned back around and manually let himself out of Seto's lab. It's a very small place so he wasn't too far away from the door to begin with. As he exits and closes the door behind him, he had caught the rest of his team spying on his and Seto's conversation. They were about to run away, but were stopped by Adams visible saddened eyes. Jason proceeds to speak first, "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, he's fine," Adam began explaining, "But he's most likely going to coop himself up in there for another week or two." They all gave Adam sympathetic looks and encouraging words as to relax him over the harsh conversation he just had with his guardian. Adam pushed them away, feeling too crowded and knowing the sympathy is being given to the wrong person. "Anyway, go on more about this new member," Mitch encouraged, wanting to know more. The rest agreed. "Well, he's sixteen and I've been trying to get his transfer papers arranged to make him an official citizen of this kingdom."

"I can help with that!" Ian interfered, being up for task. "That's good," Adam smiled, forgetting what he felt from his talk with Seto, "We'll be able to get him over here faster with your help."

"And someone finally beats Seto at something," Jerome pointed out before being jabbed on the side by Quentin who nodded, disapproving. Adam clamped his hand together and walked in between his team members as he exclaimed, "Everyone back to their task. Ian, follow me to my room where I have Ty's transfer papers." Everyone nodded and split up to their respected directions. Seto finished eavesdropping as they all left from in front of his door. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he continued to repeat his conversation with Adam in his head. He knew he'd need to apologize to him at some point when he decides to leave his lab. Until then, it'd be a good idea to collect his own tears to formulate some potions with.


After a very successful transaction of papers, Ty had been able to live in the Sky Kingdom. The paperwork took about a week to complete thanks to Ian's help with speeding up the process and the good cooperation of the other kingdom leader. Adam opened the doors to his palace home, sunlight entering the marble floors and lighting up the throne room with a more natural lighting, despite the large windows already allowing light into the castle. He took a deep breath in and out, "You smell that Ty, it smells like a welcoming party is being planned."

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