Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


The police never came to our house to arrest or question Shaw about the fight we got in so I had a feeling it really was the serial attacker he got into a fight with, because that person wouldn't want to risk being discovered to being the attacker.

If only Shaw wasn't drunk when it happened. Maybe he could have remembered even the slightest bit of information to try to figure out who this attacker was.

Then again, and I hated to admit it, but maybe it was a good thing Shaw was drunk when it happened. He wouldn't have been in much control with his actions when he was so he wouldn't have hesitated to fight back. Sober Shaw, however, was trying really hard not to be violent.

I really hoped the drinking was a one time thing otherwise Shaw might completely lose the kids, especially if Hugh were to find out because he would be able to manipulate Kendra into not letting Shaw see the kids.

And Hugh was really good at getting away with things. Even though Kendra told the police the truth about Hugh assaulting me, he wasn't charged. I was starting to think he has connections everywhere if he could get away with so much.

At least Hugh was going out of town for the week for a job conference so the kids were able to stay with Kendra again. They were a bit reluctant to go but once they got there and saw that Hugh wasn't there, they were okay with it.

I really hoped Kendra was able to figure things out soon.

Jaime wanted to have dinner with his kids and apparently, Viola was going to invite her new boyfriend. Shaw didn't like that. He did want his sister to be happy but recently, all Viola had been doing was seemingly trying to tear down my and Shaw's relationship.

I just hoped she wouldn't say anything with me there because I really hated when people thought my and Shaw's marriage wasn't healthy or was only going to end soon.

I mean, yeah, it was close to ending but it never did because we were able to work through our problems. Because we loved each other.

And some people just didn't understand that. I heard enough of it when my parents weren't okay with me and Shaw, and still hearing about it was just a reminder of the rough times I had with my parents.

I was waiting for Shaw to return home from work so we could head over to his dad's place together, but he was taking quite some time. He didn't finish long ago, but it shouldn't have taken him this long to come home. It wasn't too far away.

I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and called Shaw, holding my phone up to my ear. It rang a few times before reaching Shaw's voicemail. I sighed and hung up, not even bothering to leave a voicemail.

That didn't stop me from worrying about Shaw and thinking about all the bad things that could have happened to him.

Screw it, I couldn't just sit here and wait for him.

I got off of the couch and headed to the front door, putting my shoes and jacket on before heading outside. While I was walking through the village, I kept trying to call Shaw to see if I would get an answer but he still wasn't picking up.

Where was he?

My heart was starting to beat faster the more he wasn't answering the phone. So far, none of the other victims of the serial attacker was targeted twice but that didn't mean Shaw wasn't...

No, I got to stop assuming the worst. He was fine. He was okay.

As I got closer to The Gold Mine, I called Shaw's cell phone on more time and this time, I heard it.

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