Words swam in front of Carmen's eyes. She finally gave in to her dropping eyelids and fell asleep.


    Something pointy kept stabbing itself into Zach's arm. He groaned, trying to swat it away, only for it to poke him harder. He snatched the thing that was bothering him and blearily looked at it.

    It was a paper airplane, probably enchanted, as it stilled in his hand. He sat up and unfolded it, reading the message it carried: "Get Carmen, she's asleep near the lake. Here's your chance lmao -Camryen."

    He had been asking Camryen for weeks on end for her blessing to date Carmen. He finally attained it a few days prior to the final exams, on the condition that Camryen would help Zach tell his feelings to Carmen-- and that if Zach hurt Carmen, he'll have hell to pay.

    He checked the time. It was almost sunset. He dashed out of his dormitory and to the lake.

    She was sleeping near the lake. Zach knelt next her, trying to figure out what to do.

    Her dark hair, lightening to a silvery gray at the ends of her hair, lay around her face, a remnant of her veela heritage. She was snoring peacefully, the setting sun turning her Slytherin robes orange. Zach felt the same force that made heads turn in during mealtimes; the same force that her uncle Ron felt when faced with her grandmother, Fleur Weasley during the Triwizard Tournament. Carmen made no sign that she was awake or had heard him. He brushed several strands of hair out of her face, revealing her heart-shaped face and pink lips, curled up in a smile as if sensing the boy's thoughts.

    Zach picked her up and used his wand to levitate her book into his hand. He made his way up to the castle, careful not to disturb the sleeping girl.


    Zach put one foot on the girl's staircase before immediately getting barred by metal snakes. He growled, wondering why he wasn't allowed in the girl's dormitory. The girls were allowed in the boy's dormitory. Why can't he get in?

    Not wanting to wake Carmen, he carefully laid her down on one of the couches in the Slytherin common room. He tried to get into the girl's dormitory, but the snakes barred him again.

    He sighed. He hoped that Camryen wouldn't kill him for this.

    He picked the girl up and walked to the boy's dormitories.


    Carmen woke up to a body pressing again her side, an arm around her waist. Extremely confused, she turned around, trying to gather her bearings, when she noticed that Zach was the person in the bed next to her. Now really confused, she looked around the room. Definitely a boy's dormitory. That still begs the question, how the bloody hell did she get here?

    The hangings were shut tight. If she guessed correctly (and from what she could recall), she fell asleep at the lake. Zach took her up to his dormitory and shut the hangings tight so his roommates wouldn't tease him about smashing. She just hoped that her sister never found out about this. She'd never hear the end of it.

    "Zach," she said softly, poking the boy in the shoulder. "Wake up."

    "Another airplane?" he grumbled, still asleep. "Camryen, I promise I'll keep Carmen safe, stop bothering me."

    "Another airplane?" Carmen echoed. Zach immediately shot awake, nearly falling off the bed.

    "Um, nothing," he said, trying to conceal his nervousness under a smile. "How was your sleep?"

    "What does my sister have to do with anything?" Carmen asked, dodging Zach's question. "What airplane?"

    "I, um," he muttered, blushing and looking down. "Um. She was just helping me with something."

    "What something?" Carmen asked, sitting up and crossing her arms. Only then did she realize that she was only wearing an undershirt and what seemed to be a pair of Zach's sweatpants. She decided to focus her attention on the boy in front of her instead and glared at Zach, who seemed to be debating between something. He mumbled something she didn't quite catch. "What?"

    He just flopped back onto his bed and covered his eyes with his arm, as if he didn't want to see her reaction. "She's been helping me with you. Because I can't really explain it all, because I'm just feeling all the reasons- and you just make me so nervous--" He took a deep breath. "--because, to put it plain and simple, I like you. And I got her blessing a few weeks back and I just didn't know what to do because I didn't want things to get weird between us and--"

    Carmen stopped him by placing her lips on his. She pulled away slowly, seeing his shocked face. She grinned. "I feel the same way."


    "So, you and Zach?" Camryen asked as Carmen stopped by her table.

    "So, you and Jaiden?" Carmen asked, noticing the boy sitting across from her sister. Camyren's cheeks flushed.

    "Fair enough."


btw the inspo behind the title is the meme of hermione being all like "i'm going to bed" and draco being "mind if i slytherin?"

honestly lowkey living for the #dramione ship would be much more interesting than #romione

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