Chapter 1; Path to Oros

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"Ugh my head." I groan.

I had to put a hand on my head but the thought of the thunder and envelop, quickly made me remembered what happened and stood up to my knees. Making me dizzy, I turn my head to see a man looking like a cave man. Startled I quickly flew back only to hit my back to wall Well-more like cave wall.

Wait! Did what the words said is true. This is to realistic. I might've reacted differently if it was me when I was young. But being around nature a lot I could tell this was real. The man started speaking at me but, I had no idea what he was saying. So I turned my head tilting as a confused manner. The most basic thing some animal and people do when confuse. Wait why is his face familiar.

"What? I don't know what you said." I answer whatever he said. Which was reaction was staring at more attentionly. He spoke again but, short.

"I don't know." I reply again pretty much conforming the language barrier. He did a deep a hum and continue staring at me until, He pointed at himself. "Takkar." Takkar? Oh my God! This — what shit!

"Asha." I pointed at myself. Wait it can't be I'm on the game? But how!? I didn't even play it yet! Not even enter my house!

He moved his hand as to follow. Which I did at least it him not some other guy or the udam or the fire people who's name I forgot. Damn. I don't know what might happened especially anything can freaking kill me. As I walked as look around see the cave there was pretty much nothing except now the fire area. To warm up.

''Oros close, but tiger closer. Need weapons."

"I don't need to speak your language to understand the word tiger. I'm guessing this is the begging of the game. Begging of the journey, mmm.'' Of course he didn't responded but waited from me to finish talking as respect I assume and acknowledge meant to whatever I said.

As I walked behind him. Which he quickly made sure I was beside not behind can't blame him haha it does make it a quick attack to his head. Not that I'm tall. After days later, I've learn simple words he says like eat, hide, obviously follow, and simple things like that. I'm surprised it's been days in the game I don't remember showing that or maybe I missed it. Not that I mean knowing the fights gonna happened it's best not to rush things.

I company him in hunts with my bow which he made for me. He didn't want me close to whatever could be our opponents. Which I'm fine ain't gonna making myself die. Right now we were following a trail of blood. We found a wolf dead.

"Killed by strong Wenja." Takkar said. He mentioned wenja so it's one of his people. We continue the trail just to hear wolves more than one that's for sure.

"Wolves. I scare beasts with fire." Mmm he mention wolf and fire I'm guessing he's going to use the fire to scare the wolves just like In the game.

I pull out a torch and walk beside him also looking back. Just in time which bright the area to see three wolves. We both quickly reacted hitting them with a fire glove. One tried to sneak behind us but, I quickly got him. It pained me a lot to kill animals. Especially this brutality and makes me cry but, it this situation there's nothing I can do. We continue walking to find a cave a see fire station that what I'll call them.

"Ashes still warm. Wenja close." Takkar says as touching the fire station. I walk up ahead to see water oh well need swim now. Takkar came behind me and see around also until he put his torch away. I hold back my sign and did the same and we both leap down the water and swam. As we went up the surface we see a tunnel.


''Takkar." I couldn't help but squeal the rats where around us. I gripped his back. I understood one word what he said which was calm but brother that I ain't happening a bite of that and this timeline no medicine for me. We walked straight while walking i made sure to try my best to dry my clothes I noticed up a head a huge figure walking I quickly put my hand on Takkar arm lower it for the torch I didn't noticed he lighten on.

And pointed up ahead he noticed the figure. We quietly walk now faster but, making sure are footsteps couldn't be heard. We crawl only to fall on water and quickly swam fast only I did my best to not gasp out load since I can't stay in water to long. I can't hold my breath really well which Takkar would help me when I had to hold longer. Gosh its a little embarrassing.

Takkar quickly hold me and pressed his body against me to the cave wall. I got tenses by sudden touch only to hear a low growl and noticed a freakin sabertooth. It's the blood saber tooth what ever was his name also. Walking literally besides us almost but was on the top we were in the water still.

We swam slowly but Takkar never let go of his grip on me. When the sabertooth was on top walking above us duo to a bridge rock. As we pass the a dead man! In his mouth. Oh gawd it stinks! Fruck, bleh! As we climb we also could hear something else. Went I look up only to see a dead ugly monkey man. No offense. His ears were missing though.

I look beside to see women cutting ears of another dead man. So she's the one that killed them. She noticed us and growls. It's Sayla ear girl. Hey I ember someone's name hehe. She made herself higher a growing.

"Girl you it scarring no one." I mumbled. I'm not even surprised now until I see the sabertooth.

"Tigre!" Takkar warns her now.

I quickly grab my bow and arrow from my bag that I made. Takkar quickly gets the torch that was already lighten up by her. As the sabertooth leaps at the women and claws her back. I ran towards her as Takkar attack the sabertooth. I put her arm around my shoulders and ran what seem a mini path. She pull me back just to grab the EARS!! This is a crisis! As I walked in and called Takkar he looked quickly and walk slowly behind and ran once he was close to us. Once Sayla was inside I starting shooting arrows at the tiger. Lucky the space was small for the big animal. Takkar look at us the women spoke.

"Follow this way." She says. We follow her.

"Oros." Ah so this is Takkars home. But, it's still sketch feeling about this. The land of oros we have arrived finally and the same time don't want case what's waiting ahead.

"You are Wenja... not from Oros." She moves quickly moves while saying something a panicked thinking she going to attack him. But Takkar doesn't seem surprise about it. She seems happy? She look at his bracelet. Mmm, she must've noticed his tribes symbol.

"I travel for many suns. Iam Takkar." I see there introducing themselves.

"Sayla." She points herself.

"You risk death in tiger cave."

"Tiger take Udam. I need Udam ears."

"You walk alone?"

"I have shelter. Food! You come!" I know that word guama or something like that means come. She points at me.



"What is she?"

"Don't know. Doesn't speak are ways."


"Calm. She's with me."

"Mmm." The women looks at me suspicious but walks away. Takkar tells me to follow. After what seems an hour. The women seems happy and pulls Takkar arms. I'm guessing her home.

"Eat." She gave berries to Takkar. And she eats hers. Well damn I guess. I ignored them as they talk. I'm guessing the evil art on the cave is a Udam. I'm guessing War tribe.

"Asha." I quickly look at Takkar I noticed he was handing me berries. I look at Sayla she still didn't like me well can't blame her that much. Seeing another person could mean another tribe that could cause harm to her people.

"Thank you." I said he nodded he know that by now means I'm grateful word.

"Where are other wenja?"

"UII, Udam leader. He destroyed wenja home." Sayla speaks as she stands up. Hearing the udam leader name she must be telling him what has happened and happening to his people. Poor buddy lost his family outside oros only to find out he's losing family in oros as well. Sayla punches the udam art judging by the size must be the big guy. "Udam kill many wenja. Now all wenja walk alone. No homes in oros." She grips on him suddenly man they really need to lear personal space. She start getting dizzy the bite must be affecting her now.

"Tiger, bite deep."

"We help."

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