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Seth POV
Since the beginning of the show we've been sitting in our locker room watching the rest of the show. We've learned that all the girls have been put into matches tonight. AJ being the first one up against Paige. We knew she had this one in the bag but still decided to accompany her to the ring just in case the Authority has something up their sleeve. She was so pumped and ready to go she's been bouncing off the walls since the announcement was made. After we announced the new and improved Shield I felt more than relieved. This is where I belong . This is my family and nothing is going to break us up. I look over at Liv who seemed a bit nervous about her match. She was going up against Sarah Logan her former tag team partner. They were both in the Riott Squad together when they were first called up to the main roster. I could understand why she would be nervous I mean I use to be nervous going up against Dean and Roman but I have a lot of faith in her. Speaking of Dean he's been really zoned out since we got to the locker room. He won't let AJ out of his sight he goes wherever she does. I knew as soon as Dean brought up the idea of having her on our team to us that they were going to get together. They did it sooner than I thought but it happened nonetheless.

"Tonight on Monday Night Raw another member of the newly reunited Shield, former women's champion, Alexa Bliss will be going up again Mickie James who will be accompanied by Dolph Ziggler."

We all looked to the screen after hearing Michael Cole's announcement. It showed of picture of Alexa and one of Mickie with Dolph behind her. My eyes immediately went to AJ who dated Dolph previously. I know they didn't end on the best of terms so maybe the Authority was using him to get to her. She seemed unfazed by the whole thing sitting Deans lap and smirking at the tv. Dean had the same smirk on his face shaking his head at the tv.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I hear Alexa say. She balls up the paper cup in her hand before throwing it down and storming towards the door. Roman quickly gets up grabbing her by the waist as she's about to walk out. "Come on Lex. Your giving them exactly what they want. To see you upset over this." he tells her in a calming voice. We all look around confused about the situation. Why would she be upset out of all people. "Look what their doing to me Joe. What am I suppose to do?" she asks looking up at him over her shoulder. Liv clears her throat breaking the two from their trance. "Is there something the rest of us missed? You all blissed off over there when it should be Apes." she says pointing towards AJ. Alexa looks at her before pushing away from Roman and grabbing both girls, dragging them into the restroom. Roman walks over and sits next to Dean looking at his hands.

"Dude. What was all that about?" Dean asks him nudging his shoulder. He looks up at me before sighing and leaning back against the wall. "Dolph and Lexi were dating. And the night we got into town she found out that he had been cheating on her with Mickie. The idiot was making out with her right in the middle of the lobby. Alexa saw the whole fucking thing." Dean stands up and heads for the door. "Well how about we go kick his teeth down his throat." Roman quickly stands grabbing him by the arm. "As much as I would love to do that we can't. That's exactly what the Authority wants us to do." he says sitting Dean back down on the bench. I sigh looking at he both of them. "Roman's right Dean. Their trying to get us to crack. But we're better than that." Running my hands through my hair I try to think of a way we can spin this. Of course they must have known about the relationship and knew that this would set Alexa off sending her into a rampage backstage which would ultimately result in her being suspended. I knew this was all Stephanie nobody else in their group was smart enough to come up with a plan like that. Suddenly AJ comes bursting out of the bathroom storming towards the door of our locker room.

Dean quickly hops up catching her midway. She starts to struggle in his arms but he gets her to calm down eventually. "Dean I'm going to kill him. Matter of fact I'm going to kill all of them starting with that beady eyed bitch named Stephanie Mcmahon." She runs her hands through her hair slightly tugging at it. "Look guys they think they can stop us with mind games but their forgetting who their dealing with. Stephanie and Hunter have mind games down pact but they other ones aren't as smart as them, not even Randy." I say looking around at everyone. I knew we could take them on we just had to come together to do it.
"Seth is right you guys. I mean think about it, four out of six of us are masterminds at things like this. No offense to Liv and Roman." AJ says cocking her head to the side.

Heart of The Shield Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang