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Alexa POVI walked out from behind the curtain as soon as I heard my music

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Alexa POV
I walked out from behind the curtain as soon as I heard my music. I stopped and posed before walking down the ramp to the ring where Sasha already stood. Oh how I loath this pink headed freak. I plan on finishing this match as quick as possible. I would hate to have to be around her longer then necessary. Once I'm in the the ring the referee rings the bell and the match starts. We lock up and she immediately puts me in a headlock and starts taunting me. I push her off of me grabbing her hand, turn around before grabbing her hair to give her a back breaker.

Once she's down I start to taunt the crowd

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Once she's down I start to taunt the crowd. Letting them know that Alexa Bliss is the one and only Goddess of WWE and no one is better than me. In the middle of my little speech I make the mistake of turning my back to her and I feel her arms go around my neck and my body flip as she puts me into the bank statement.

 I instantly feel the pain shooting through my neck and back as I try my hardest to figure out a way to get out of the hold

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I instantly feel the pain shooting through my neck and back as I try my hardest to figure out a way to get out of the hold. Moments later as soon as I'm about to tap she releases the hold and starts screaming at somebody to get away from the ring. She swings at whoever it is but they jump off of the ring giving me perfect time to get up and recuperate. When she turned around I kick her in the midsection making her double over and deliver glittered blizzard for the win.

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