Sierra, Hotel...

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AJ POVAfter discussing a few more things it was time for us to leave the arena

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After discussing a few more things it was time for us to leave the arena. We've decided that it would be more reasonable for all of us to room and travel together, with a lot of protest from Alexa might I add. She's like this little bottle filled to the top with evil. I love it honestly. She's as smart and devious as they come and that's why I picked her. When Dean came up to me and proposed his idea I was ecstatic I feel like it's time for the women superstars to be put on notice and the three of us are going to do just that. I made sure to choose the two women I knew would fulfill the job.

Liv might be cute and bubbly but she's as dangerous as she is adorable and she's was definitely the perfect asset to our team. She just needs the push that me and Alexa can give her to make sure that she becomes and stays champion. With Alexa being a two time Raw and Smackdown Women's Champion theres no doubt in my mind that she has what it takes. I am the second longest reigning Diva's Champion and I've held the championship three times. We are going to take over this entire company. Just the thought makes me all giddy inside. A tap on my shoulder breaks me out of my thoughts. I turn to see Liv giving me a big cheesy smile.

"Yes Miss Morgan." I laugh at her actions. Fixing one of the pigtails on top of her head. She looks up and smiles even bigger before looking back to me. "It's time to go we're all packed up and ready to get on the rode. The others are waiting for us in the parking lot.", she informs me. We both grab our things and walk to meet the others, getting weird looks from people back stage but we ignore them and keep on walking.

When we get to the parking lot we see that the guys rented out a van with three rows. Two seats in the front, three in the middle, and three in the back. We hand our bags to Roman thanking him in the process as he grabs our bags and puts them in the trunk of the van. After everything's in we all settle into the van and get ready for the long ride to Los Angeles. Dean decides to drive and Seth sits in the passenger seat, Alexa and Liv sit in the second row with Roman, I chose the back row knowing I'd fall asleep on the way there. We pull out of the arena and onto the highway nothing heard but the music playin low on the radio. I feel my eyes get heavy only ten minutes into the drive. I let my eyes flutter close as I drift off into sleep.



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