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Adelaide sat in the back of Lydia's car, rolling her eyes every time Jackson spoke. Lydia and Jackson had been arguing about what movie to watch. Jackson choosing 'Hoosiers' and Lydia choosing 'The Notebook.'

"Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever. It is the best sports movie ever made." Jackson argued, Adelaide rolled her eyes for the hundredth time and said, "Actually, The Sandlot is, and I don't care what movie is being chosen, I just want to get out this bloody car."

Adelaide pushed Jackson's seat and exited the car, walking towards the entrance of the movie store. She began to look around for "The Notebook" until five minutes when Jackson walked in and began to trail behind her. A metallic smell came to Adelaide's senses and she halted, covering her mouth. Having control of her thirst can be difficult at times, but it's been a while since she had an actual drink from someone. Jackson bumped into her and saw her reaction. Confused, he looked and saw shoes sticking out of one of the isles and began to talk towards it.

Adelaide heard a noise and began to look around, seeing something fast run through the isles. Quickly, she grabbed Jackson and began to run towards the exit, "Jackson, let's go!"

Jackson hid behind an aisle of movies while Adelaide was pulling his arm, whispering harshly, "For bloody sake, Jackson! You're going to get yourself killed!" Jackson pulled her next to then as the beast runs through the isles, knocking down the shelves one by one.  Jackson then pushed Addy aside as a shelf collapse on his back. She then suddenly gets thrown across the store and sees the beast gets dangerously close to Jackson. Adelaide vamp speeds and throws the beast out the store, hearing Lydia's screams. The girl lifts the shelf and picks up Jackson.

His breath heavy, he says, "What the hell was that?! How did you-?"

Before he could get the words out, Adelaide compelled him, "It was a mountain lion that attacked the worker and nearly attacked us. We got away just in time."  Jackson nodded his head nonchalantly until he screamed and ran to check on Lydia, Adelaide doing the same.

"Lydia! Are you okay? The police are on the way!" Adelaide said, pulling Lydia close.

"I- I- What was that? Are you guys okay?" Lydia asked sobbing.

Before Adelaide got to answer, Jackson said, "It was a mountain lion, it nearly got the both of us."

Adelaide stood next to Lydia's car with an annoyed look on her face and her arms crossed. She then heard, "Woah is that a dead body?!" She smiled at the boy and he stuttered, "Oh- Ad- Adelaide you're here," he awkwardly laughed. "Oh! Are you okay?"

Once again she smiled, "Yes, Stiles I am fine, Thank you. What are you doing here?"

Stiles stuttered a bit, "Uh- my dad is the sheriff."

The Original glared at Jackson as he's yelling at Stiles' dad, "He's such a prick"

Stiles laughed, "You got that right.

Adelaide giggled, she tilted her head, hearing two familiar voices. She snuck a glance at the roof, seeing Scott and Derek.

"It's not nice to spy, Derek," She said quietly, looking at the man. Adelaide smiled when she heard him chuckle a bit.

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