Chapter 7

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Ginny whips her head around. George is standing there.

"What are you doing?" He asks me again.

"You don't understand George, they said he's not supposed to make it so I want to be with him," Ginny says tears threatening to spill over her eyes. Just then the rain started falling.

"What if he does make it and he finds out you killed yourself for him?"

"He's not coming out of it," Ginny said sadly.

George then climbed over the rail to join her.

"George....what are you doing?" Ginny asked concerned.

"I'm joining you, I can't handle someone else in the family dying so I might as well join you."

"George climb back over please."

"No, I'm going with you we either climb back over or jump together," George explained stubbornly.

Ginny starts to slowly climb back over and as she steps over she slumps to the ground in sobs. George sits down with her holding her in his arms she falls asleep fast still in the rain. George carries her to the hospital wing and explains to Madam Pomfry what happened. Madam Pomfy calls Hermione down.

"She has fallen into deep depression, she will need to remain in the hospital wing for a while. You can come visit her but don't expect her to be happy or eat or talk much."

"Hermione, you must understand one thing, when I release her from the hospital she can't get out of your sights. No ones knows what's he will or may do."

"I understand. Thank you,"

Hermione goes to flu the Weaslys. As she gets there they run to the fireplace.

"What is it?" Mr. Weasly asked hurriedly.

"Ginny has gone into depression, she found out that Harry isn't supposed to make it."

"She tried to kill herself last night, George saved her, talked her out of it I mean,"

"Should we come?" Mrs Weasly said.

"No, I just wanted to let you know. I will write with updates."

She left with that said and returned to Hogwarts just as Ginny woke up.


Ginny keeps waking up to a wall of people. Why does everyone have to be here? She thinks to herself. All she wants if for everyone to go away. Harry still isn't awake. This thought keeps sending waves of sadness. She keeps thinking about why she didn't just jump off the tower that night. It would have solved all her problems. Maybe George is wrong maybe that is the only answer. It all feels like a dream to Ginny. I'm stuck in a hole of sadness. She thought. How to get out?



Harry Potter: A New ChapterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora