Chapter 9

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                                                                                Chapter 9

I woke up finally in my own bed. It seemed like it had been days since I got to feel the soft, plushiness of my bed. I breathed in deeply, also missing the smell of roses that was coming from the airwick plug that I kept repurchasing because it smelled so good and reminded me of the spring, even when it was winter. I breathed in once again but this time instead of loving the smell of the roses, I missed the smell of the colonge that reminded me of my father. Maybe not having Mitch by my side was a good thing, maybe my mom would forget about what happened 3 days before, because I would love that. How could I have forgotten that my parent's room was right next to the room I assigned Mitch to stay in?! Jesus Christ why am I like me? So forgetful and stupid. Like seriously how could I forget about that? Thank god my dad wasn't home, or else I would have been screwed. All of my past boyfriends we're scared shitless of my father, and I don't blame them. Us Italians have quite the temper, especially my dad, but he never yelled at me. I was his baby girl, and I got my way in every fight I had with my siblings. Ok enough thinking my stomach is growling I need my food. 

I walked out into the hallway and looked towards Mitch's room. His door was still closed, but I wasn't surprised, he isn't much of a morning person. I opened to the door and I was pretty shocked to see that the bed was made and there was no Mitch to see in there. I proceded to walk out the room and down the spiral stair case. When I was walking down I smelt bacon, eggs, and toast. My mom was a health freak and wouldn't touch bacon, and my dad isn't coming home for another 2 months for my graduation, and none of my siblings cook, so did Mitch cook? I walked into the kitchen and saw Mitch by the stove cooking up more bacon and eggs. 

"Hello there chef Mitch, whatcha' making?" I said and Mitch turned to face me.

"Well just cooking my beautiful girlfriend and her family breakfast" I giggled. Man he's hot, and he can cook? Yep I am going to marry him one day. I wouldn't mind that of course. When he finished cooking he called everyone down for breakfast and when everyone sat down he brought over the plates full of food. It smelled so good, words can't even describe it. Mitch sat down to me and we all began to eat. It was pretty quiet so I just brought up random conversation.

"So Mitch how much longer are you staying?" I was very curious about this since my mom had said if he wanted to he could stay for a little longer. I want him to stay forever! 

"Maybe a couple more days, but then if I want to stay for a couple more weeks, I need to go home and get more clothes!" We all laughed, but that is true. He needs more clothes, he needs to pack more of his things and all that jazz. 

"Well, as I said before, Mitch if you want to you could move in. I had to go through something much similar at your age and I wouldn't mind." My mother pitched in. Yes! That would be perfect. But my father would flip shit. If he found out what Mitch and I did, my dad would kick the living shit out of him no joke. But you know, I'll take those chances to be with Mitch! 

"I don't think that would be bad, I wouldn't mind it. Of course I have to tell my family and pack and move all my stuff here." Damn it. I forgot about his family. What would they say about it, I mean we only met eachother and now we want to move in?! If I were his mom, I wouldn't think twice about saying no. Maybe Mitch will talk her into it? Because if he can I will love his family and him forever.

"Yea well since it's almost May, I'd say you should leave next week to pack and then come back for a couple of weeks, or months." 

"I say months." Mitch chimed in and we laughed. I don't know why but Mitch could always make me laugh, either by telling a joke or by simply saying carrot. 

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