Chapter 3

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                                                                                     Chapter 3

Mitch's POV: I just told a complete stranger that I cut. What was I thinking oh my god I'm so stupid. But at least she did and now maybe she'll help me? I don't know if she will but she said she would and I trust in her.

"Mitch?" I hear her say.


"What happens after tonight? Do we never see eachother again or what? I live in New York and you live in Montreal. I'm going to be going to college soon." She was right though. We both lived separate lives and lives that are so far away from eachother.

"I don't know. We could always skype or text. And I'm sure we can plan visits. You're beautiful Echo and I wanna get to know you better."

Echo's POV: Did BajanCanadian just say he wants to get to know me better? 

"Are you serious Mitch?"

"Yea why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, first off, I'm a complete stranger-" I get cut off by Mitch before I can finish my scentence.

"Stop right there. I'm sure that we can continue to talk and probably meet up again. And I also believe that you play Minecraft as well and have Skype. You could start a YouTube channel too! I am a genius! That could solve it all!" Mitch sounded so confident I didn't really want to ruin his day, but sadly I had to.

"Mitch, I really love that idea but I can't. I'm going to college soon. Yes we can Skype and play but YouTube is out of the picture." I could tell Mitch was saddened very much by what I said.

"What college are you going to?"

"University of California, why?"

"When do you start?" 

"I think August."

"And now it's April. We have time to get the know eachother more until then. Please trust me on this." Mitch made a pouty face after he said this and I giggled.

"I guess that's a good plan" I said sarcastically. Me and Mitch exchanged numbers and skypes and he walked me to my hotel where I was staying. My mom and dad stayed home because they want me to get used to being alone for college. 

- ~ - The Next Day - ~ -

So today is the second day of Pax East and tomorrow I have to leave which I'm really sad about but at least I met Mitch. 

- ~ - At Pax - ~ - 

When I get to Pax I get a text from Mitch saying to go to the Machinima booth. I walk over to the booth and I see Mitch. He signals for me to walk over towards him. I walk over and we start talking.

"Hello beatiful" He immediatley says which would pretty much make anyone blush so, let's just say I turned red.

"Hello Sir Mitch, Madame Echo at your service." I bow to his feet like a peasent would in olden times. We both laugh and he helps me up.

"What do you want to do today? I was thinking we could walk around and maybe test run some games they have here."

"Sounds good"

We walked around and when I saw the Sims 4 sign I bolted. I grabbed his hand and ran for it. 

"Oh my god what was that for?"

"THE SIMS 4 MITCH! I have been waiting to test run this baby." I get online to test it and when it's my turn I make me and Mitch in a household. When we're done with that it's around lunch time so we head back to the Machinima booth to get the rest of the guys to go out for lunch. When we get to the booth Mitch introduces me to the guys.

"Hey guys! This is Echo and I'm asuming that she knows all of you so let's save time and get lunch!" Before I could shake anyones hand Mitch ran for the door screaming "MUST GET FOOD!" I wonder to myself why I love him so much. Wait, love? I don't really know him that well either. Oh god am I really falling for him? If I am that'll have to get put on hold for sure.

When we get to the restraunt Mitch plops right down next to me. The waitress come over and gives us our menus. We order and we start talking.

"So Echo how exactly did you meet Mitch?" Jerome says.

"Yesterday. It was my birthday so Mitch was nice enough to take me out to get ice cream after." They all looked at Mitch and winked. I don't think they knew that I noticed that though, which I thought was pretty funny. We finished our food and went back to Pax. Mitch had to beg me to stay at the booth he was going to be signing at so that we could go to dinner after. 

- ~ - Later - ~ -

Pax is over for the day so Mitch and I decided to head more towards downtown area of Boston. We went to an Applebee's and just ordered like 5 appetizers. 

"So Echo with you graduating high school this year, when's your graduation date?"

"June 25th"

"Ok. I think that could work out. That's 2 months for us to become better friends! After all that's really why I'm talking to you isn't it?" I was a little confused. Don't people talk to become better friends?

"Mitch, you realize people talk to become better friends, right?"

"Oh. Whoops stupid people make stupid mistakes!"

After dinner Mitch walked me to my hotel room and I let him come up for a little bit to talk. We entered the room and just talked. 

"Mitch, I'm leaving tomorrow so I think we should make a cake. For my birthday I didn't even get any!"

"But we don't even have a kitchen to cook it in"

"Oh yea, well like you said stupid people make stupid mistakes! We can just get a pre-made cake from the bakery down the street or something." We talked for a little bit more then he left and I went to bed.

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