His parents!

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It was the end of the week and Chase invited me to come to his house and meet his parents of course I said I will cause he was super happy that they wanted to meet me.

"Hey Chase I have to ride your bus right?" I said.

"Yeah!! C'mon!!" Chase said..

We got on the bus and the bus driver asked if I had permison to go to his house which I did have permison to go and I showed him the text my grandma sent me.

"Okay thank you, Aaleiah." The bus driver said.

"No problem!!" I said.

We got to Chase's house.

"Oh my gosh, Chase your house is so beautiful!! Mine is so ugly...." I said.

"Well now I bet your house is cute!" He said.

"Now let's go see if my mom and dad are home okay!" He says and I nodded.

"Okay!" I said.

They weren't home but his brother was.

"Hey, Chase who is this girl!" Chase's brother said with a little attitude.

"This is my girlfriend, Aaleiah." He says.

"Well she can leave now because she only wants your money!" His brother said.

"No she is the best thing that's ever happened to me she makes me laugh other than my friends!! When is ma and dad getting home?" He said changing the subject.

"They're gonna be home any minute."

They come inside.

"Well well well who is this young lady?" His mom says.

"I told you and dad I had a girlfriend right?!" Chase asks

"Yeah you did! Is this her!!" His dad says.

"Yes this is her!" I look up at him and are eyes meet.

I haven't seen such beautiful eyes like this before, his eyes were like a pool on a hot day. Than his Mom said my name and we both looked at her and his dad.

"Aaleiah you wanna go shopping with all of us!!" Mrs Bacon asks.

"Mrs Bacon I don't need anything.." I say.

"Babe your going shopping with us!!" Chase said.

"But I don't need anything Chase i'm fine with what I have!!! And that's you and your family because your family seems amazing especially your mom!!" I say.

"Aaleiah your going shopping with us and that's final!" He says.

I sigh in defeat. Me, his mom, his dad and his brother all laughed.

"Okay okay! I will go shopping with you.. But im not getting anything expensive!!" I say.

"Okay you don't have to if you don't want to.. But we are getting you stuff." His mom said.

We all leave and we all laugh in the car because I was making funny remarks and jokes on the way to the mall.


Edited: 1-27-2022

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