A Disclaimer!!

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Hey y'all it's you're author here! My name is Aaleiah (Uh-Lee-Uh: Aaliyah)

I just wanted to give you guys a disclaimer! This book and its Sequel, My Life As A Twin were made when I was 14-15.  I'm far from proud of these works. They are OKAY, but they arent at the same time!

There's many things wrong with them! So many spelling mistakes and parts where its uncomprehendable. So I'm sorry for that, also the chapters go by SOOOO fast.

If you guys cant handle stuff like that, dont read it. I tried to fix it, but it got to where I didnt want to do it anymore!

Like I said, you dont have to read it!! I love you guys for at least checking them out!!

Hope you guys have a good day, also check out my other works! Especially the recent ones, they are way better then this one!!




(REWRITING) The Boy ✔Where stories live. Discover now