Chapter 9 - Books and Dreams

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Chapter Nine

Books and Dreams

It was the first day of classes and I was exhausted. Why didn't I just take something to fall asleep? This wasn't the best way to make first impressions. I yawned every five minutes and looked like I forgot to brush my hair, but that was the least of my worries. My first class was history with Mr. Hienly, the older and wiser—not to mention ancient looking—history teacher. He began the class by giving us a list of books we were to obtain.

"This is a list of the books I want each of you to have by tomorrow. The book vendor will be here this evening, after all your classes," Mr. Hienly barked.

I looked at the list; there were eleven books listed. I couldn't believe it. Was he serious? I heard protests throughout the classroom from my fellow classmates. I took it that they, too, were unhappy groans and protests about the lengthy list, so I guess he wasn't kidding about acquiring all of them. I wondered why we needed that much literature for a history class anyway. Sighing, I stuffed the list in my binder.

By my next class, my eyes were dry and my lids were heavy. Second class was Transmutations with Mr. Levi Troust. I still had to get used to the new kinds of classes I had to take. At least Mr. Troust only had three books on his requirement list. Lilith happened to be in this class with me and luckily only Hannah, too. I noticed Lilith occasionally flipped her hair over her shoulder to stare back at me, giving me a dagger glare. I really hoped she wouldn't cause trouble for me. I didn't want to put up with her all school year.

I literally was dragging my feet to my next class, which was Spells and Magic Casting with Mrs. Ruby Maxwell. She was a nice lady with a soft voice that you had to strain to hear. I was happy to see her requirement list; she only asked us to bring a blank notebook for keeping notes because her class was more hands on.

Once again, Lilith was in that class, too. This time, she actually walked by my desk after class was over and asked me how I slept last night sarcastically, but didn't wait around for an answer.

She flipped her hair and laughed as she walked off. She was indeed a very rude girl.

Finally, it was lunchtime, but I was more tired than hungry, so I stowed away to my room for a nap. I fell asleep quickly while not even bothering to take my shoes off. Later, a loud obnoxious knocking woke me up, as someone pounded steadily on the door.

I trudged to the door and snapped, "WHAT?" as I opened it and then blushed from embarrassment.

"You're going to be late for your next class, Savina," Marcus informed me, biting each word sharply. Poor guy was just trying to help me.

"How did you know I was in my room?" I asked, yawning groggily.

"Your mom actually came looking for you when you didn't show up for lunch and saw that you were sleeping, so she asked me to wake you up in time for your next class."

"Oh, I'm sorry for being rude. Thank you! I'm on my way." I nodded and he closed the door before I ran off.

I ran to the bathroom, washed my face with cold water, which felt good against my humid skin. Then, I grabbed my note pad, binder and pen.

The rest of the afternoon went by quickly and I was thankful, but I was in a daze through the rest of the classes. It was almost as if I was in a dream state while remembering my night with Michael. I sighed. If Lilith was in any more of my classes, I didn't notice.

I had another list of books to get from the book vendor: Math with Miss Fogarty only required one book, but she was also my Science teacher on Fridays, so I needed one more book for that class as well; and Reading and Languages with Mrs. Banning required three books. Mrs. Banning also gave us Ms. Ming Linn's book list, which required two. I had her every Friday for Advanced Studies and Tutoring. So in total, I needed to get twenty-one books. I didn't know how I was going to carry all of those books around, especially since this house didn't have an elevator. I was also too tired to carry them all to my room, but I would have to manage.

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