Chapter 6

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Not edited. I sucked at writing ):

Chapter 6

'Marsha!' An all too familiar high pitch voice fills the air. I slammed my locker door hard in surprise. Its Rose. Whats new?

'Heyyy!' I called lazily after her, dragging the 'ey' part. 'Maybe next time you wanna try greeting me nicely and without trying to burst my eardrums?' Rose just smiled sheepishly and began twirling her hair, trying to act all sorry and innocent. I rolled my eyes at her. 

'Where're the others?' I called out as i open back my locker door to get my thick Principle Of Accounts (POA) book. That book weighs a ton! 

'Robin's probably sketching somewhere, in class maybe. Tany must be late as usual and i have no idea where Zoe is.' Rose explained while examining her french-tipped nails.

I grabbed her arms and we made our way too class, knowing that we'll eventually meet the others in class. Our school system is very organised and not to mention, strict. Ours is a Government school, where we have to wear identical uniforms and what not. All 5 of us have almost all the same classes together. We do not have to move to get to the next class, unless we have different classes. Instead, the teachers move around. This is prevent any disruptive behavious, or so they say. 

True enough, Robin is in class, sketching away. Tany and Zoe is nowhere to be seen. 

'How ya doin mate?' Rose asked Robin in a pirate-y way. 

'Go practise your accent man. They suck big time. Hey Marsha.' Robin replied, not looking up from her intense sketching. I smirked and sat down at my desk.

Fortunately, the teachers this year does not bother about our seating arrangements and all 5 of us got to sit together, as long as we does not contribute to the always present noise pollution. I sat in front of Robin, with Rose on my right and Zoe on my left. Tany sat to the table behind Rose, next to Robin.

I glanced at Rose. Her head is comfortably plopped on the tables, her arms as mini pillows. Its her normal morning routine, a quick nap before the bell ring. It always seems that she does not have enough sleep. 

Zoe emerged at the classroom door as the school bell rang, announcing the start of first period. Did i mention that schools here starts at 7.30am? 

Zoe rushed to her seat, her face red from running. How do i know? Its Zoe, she's always late and rushing.

No sign of Tany as our social studies (SS) teacher, Mr Nathan, comes into the class. I groaned mentally. SS early in the morning makes you wanna squash your face on the table and sleep, comfortable or not.


Whoops of joy could be heard around the class as the bell signalling for dismissal rang. Its been a long day, with monday blues kicking around. A great day to start the week. Not. Apparently, Tany had a bad stomachache in the morning, hence her absence from school. Maybe its just her excuse for skipping a mean POA test earlier on. Lucky for me, i dropped the subject. 

'Guys, i got a call from Mrs Figg yesterday. She needs a sitter for Elijah today.' I called out to the girls while packing my overturned school bag.  

'Im not free, sorry! Got a date with Hitler tonight.' Rose answered, sending me a 'sorry' look. 

'Yeah, i have an impromptu art meeting tonight. Sorry Marsh!' Robin called out. 

'I'm good. What time does she needs me there?' I sighed in relief at Zoe's agreement. Tany is out of question. With her absence from school, i dont think she wants to leave her room. 

'Cool! Come over at my place around 5.45 to grab the Kit-Kat box alright?’ I received vigorous nodding from Zoe, gesturing her agreement.  I smiled to myself.

‘Uh oh. I don’t think Robin gonn’ be happy to see that Alex.’ My head snapped up to look at Robin, and then to Alex, who is standing in front of the class with Robin’s cell phone, smiling his ass off. Alex is one of our classmate who is rather attractive.

‘JUSTIN ALEXANDER RILEY! YOU GIVE ME BACK MY CELL PHONE RIGHT NOW!’ Robin bellowed, her voice loud and clear, much to everyone’s surprise. Then realization hit her, making her smirk. ‘Oh well, you’re never gonna access it. Its locked smartypants.’ Robin gave him a lopsided grin, with her hands on her hips.

Alex looks at her with a smile and start tapping several numbers onto the lock pad. Now its his turn to smirk. ‘Rabbits? Really Robin?  I would’ve look cuter as your wallpaper.’ Alex scoffed at Robins choice of wallpaper. Its very obvious to everone that Alex likes Robin, except the girl herself. Robin likes Alex too, but she’s too stubborn to accept the fact that Alex likes her. Well, thats Robin for you. Talented but stubborn and hardheaded.

All of us watch in amusement as Alex sets Robin’s phone in camera mode and takes a picture of himself.

‘That’s it Alex, im coming!’ Robin screamed and charge after Alex.

‘At least you have a nicer wallpaper now Green. Better than some rabbits chewing on carrots.’ Alex shouts as he runs out of the class while trying to set his photo as Robin’s wallpaper. I shake my head as Rose, Zoe and I laugh as we watch Robin chases Alex, trying to get her phone back. 

'They should tots get together! I mean, they're so cute!' Rose exclaimed and put her hand over her heart. 

'Really Rose? Tots?' Zoe asked, rolling her eyes. (it means totally if any of you dont know)

I laughed at the comical duo. 'Yeah, they should tots hook up.' I high-fived Rose while Zoe rolled her eyes again. 



SURPRISE SURPRISE!! Another chapter! I'm absolutely happy that TBC got over 370 reads!! *happy dance happy awkward dance around the room*

Im so happy that i decided not to leave the book hanging (: YAY IKR!! Hehe :b 

I know that this chapter is just a filler, but no worries, they'll be more 'drama' in the next one :D

Oh, please be patient with me ): I'm having my National Exams this month and may not be updating frequently BUT BUT BUT  i'll try my very best to upload a.s.a.p ok! 

Vote please? *Gives the Rose puppy-face* THANK YOU VERY MUCH LADIES AND GENTLEMEN tee hee

teaser: Zoe's turn to baby-sit. Did i mention that Zoe is a tad bit impatient? And late. Wheeeeeeeeee~



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