Chapter 7

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*this chapter starts in Zoe's P.O.V* 

Chapter 7 :

'Daniel! Tell mom im going for babysitting over at the Figgs!' I yelled while trying to put on my tights. I waited for my brothers reply but received none. I stomped over to his room, where he was engrossed looking at something in his laptop. His ears were plugged in and i could hear his metal music from his door. 

I sighed and walk over to pull out his earpiece, much to his surprise. He turned around and stared at me, anger in his eyes. Oooops. Talk about super bad timing. Daniel has very bad temper.

'WHAT DO YOU WANT ZOE?' Owwwwww. He screamed right in my ear, making me flinch backwards abit, my eardrums throbbing. Wait, is it supposed to throb when someone yells into it? 

'Well, if you didnt stuff your ears with your metal music at such high volumes, you could've heard me telling you to tell mom that i'll be over at the Figgs to babysit Elijah.' I spoke softly, my eyes looking at my blue toes before looking up to meet his brown ones. 

Daniel sighed and ruffles my hair. 'Im not gonna hurt you anymore buddy. Sorry 'bout that. I got shocked. Sure, i'll tell mom later.' He pulled me into an awkward hug and returned to his laptop. I mentally slapped myself for behaving like that just now. Now he's gonna feel guilty and bad about it. 

'Bye Daniel.' I called out softly before leaving his room. I looked at my Nixon watch and groaned. Its 5.25. Im late. Again. Why do i have this habit of being late?? Its like i have no sense of urgency. 

I texted Marsha to inform her i'll be slightly late, with a lot of 'sorry's. Gotta change my ways man.  

''What happened this time babe?' The first thing Marsha asked when i stepped into her house at exactly 5.35 pm. Yes! Record timing!

'Daniel.' I answered her and went to raid her forever filled fridge. I moaned as i looked at the chocolate-fudge seductively sitting in it. I reached out to grab it but my hand got slapped away. I pouted at Marsha with my best 'puppy-dog' face. 

'Those are Justin's. Its a no-zone man. And you look ugly with that face, dont try it again.' Marsha laughed and pushed my shoulders lightly. 

'Come on Zoe! Elijah's waiting for you!' Marsha pushed me out of her kitchen to her room to get the Kit-Kat box. 

'But Marshaaaaaaaaaaaaa, im hungry.' I followed her limply, like a sadd puppy who didnt get to play fetch and is sulking at his owner. ok what? Marsha started nagging and i groaned. Oh here comes the mother talk. 

'Alright alright mother! I will not stop at any ice-cream shops and go straight to the Figgs. I got it mother!' I mock salute to Marsha who rolled her eyes. 

'Bye mother! You owe me a chocolate-fudge by the way!' I shouted at Marsha as i leave her house with the Kit-Kat Box in my hand. I smiled widely as i know that i'll have a chocolate-fudge waiting for me at school tomorrow. My smile altered when i realised that i have no experience whatsoever in handling children. Its alright, i can do this! Go Zoe!!


'Elijah say bye-bye to your mummy.' I patted the small girl's shoulder. Elijah ran to her mom and hugged her tightly. Awwww, what a cute child. 

I wish. 

As soon as Mrs Figg left, she transformed into a demon with pink Hello-Kitty pj's. I took out a puzzle of fruits for us to play but she doesnt want to. Who could blame her, no on, even me, would want to play the 10 piece fruit puzzle. Elijah took the Kit-Kat Box from me and overturned it. I gasped as i looked at what she was doing. She's a girl for god's sake. Things became wild after that. Ok that sounded wro- OK STOP. 

She started tearing the spare papers inside the Kit-Kat Box. Or should i say the overturned box. I feel my patience running out as she began  throwing strips of paper all over the carpeted living room . Hell im gonna have a hard time cleaning the lovely Arabian carpet. it is lovely indeed. 

'Elijah, you gotta stop doing that sweetie. You're dirtying the place.' I spoke to her softly and sweetly, trying to stop her. Mrs Figg must've fed her a bottle of sweets in liquid form as she is so hyper right now. She started giggling and started throwing it over my head, singing the wedding song. Is there a wedding song? Hmmmm.

I could not take it. Too much sugar in this child's body. Or maybe its caffeine, who knows? Lets see who's in charge here. 'Elijah Figg, you have to stop doing that. I have to clean it up, not you.' I sternly spoke to her, my voice loud and clear. Woah, im good. I mentally patted myself on the shoulder.

Uh oh. Elijah stopped throwing papers and looked at me with big eyes, shocked at my outburst. Her lips began to tremble and her eyes start to water. Oh shit oh shit. Panic mode : on to the maximum level.

Tears started flowing down her rosy cheeks. Oooops, what have i done. I move slightly towards her but she suddenly back off and ran to her room. A slam could  be heard. I groaned and slapped myself in the forehead. What have i done?

Knowing that i cant handle this situation, i dialled Marsha's number, only to find it switched off. I ran up to Elijah's room and tried to open her door. Its locked. Why would a 4 years old girl have a lock on her door??

I inhaled deeply. You can do this Zoe, yes you can. I knoocked softly on her door. 'Elijah sweetie? Its Zoe. Im sorry for being angry just now. How about a story about Princesses and Magical elephants that could shoot out sparkles to make up for it?' I asked through the door, hoping to have some response from the brunette girl. Magical elephants? Where did that come from?

'Princesses? Sparkling elephants? Could there be Unicorns and Pixies?' A tiny voice answered. I smiled triumphly. 

'Sure sweetie, handsome Princes too. Open the door for me honey?' The door unlocked and a brunette-haired girl popped out from behind the door. Fresh tear marks coould be seen on her face. Awwwwww she looked so adorable! I pinky promise! 

Elijah dragged my hand towards her bed. Her room is pink in colour, as expected. A big dollhouse sat at the side of her room. Woah, this girl has all the Carebear stuff toys! I dont even have one ): Lucky girl. 

We snuggledd into her powerpuff girls bed. It was big enough for both of us. A story about an Egyption princess who got send off Thailand because her step-father hated her and magical elephants that could give her beautiful dresses and pixies and unicorn saved her from an evil witch and a handsome prince kissing her is produced. Good job Zoe. Another pat on the shoulder. 

Elijah fall asleep halfway through the story. After changing her into her pyjamas, tucking her into her very comfortable bed and cleaning up the mess in the living room, i sat in the living room with some ice-cream i found i the Figg's fridge. Shh, all evidence will be erased, no worries.  

'Zoe saves the day. You owe me big time girl. Had a ferocious battle tonight. Nights.' I send this to all the girls, proud of my achievements. Im so happy. 

I left after Mrs and Mr Figg returned. They gave me a tip, totalling to 16 bucks, for mmy help with their 'special daughter'. Hey i quoted what they said. 

To my surprise, Daniel was waiting for me at the foot of the Figg's apartment. What was he doing here? i thought, fear arousing. I slapped myself for thinking that way. I slowly make my way into his car, tension surrounding us.



HEYYYYYYYY. Cliffhanger huh? Sorry :P Here, a long chapter for you lovely peoples (:

Teaser: What is going on between Zoe and Daniel? Does the rest knows? Scerets leaks out next chapter! Stay tune!

Next upload: Hopefully next Friday.

Vote, comment and love! Hehe :P


I still love Cato <3 

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